Modern Society Responsible for Kauhajoki Finland School Shooting


Dec 12, 2005

And so we're back again at where we started nearly a year ago, when high school shooter Pekka-Eric Auvinen opened fire against students at his high school and later commited suicide. Obviously Saari has attempted to recreate that event, proving the Corruptian campaign about school schooting right: the pattern is too obvious to ignore--our society is self-destructive and its young generations are growing up confused, angry, hurt and emotionally fragile.

People kill themselves for two reasons: hating themselves or hating the world. Matti Saari hated the world and knew that basic human nature wasn't going to change. Instead he realized it most probably was going to continue its downward spiral--painfully obvious only to the smart--and so he took his revenge and his exit. This school massacre is another tragic event marking the ignorance and selfishness of our social environment, pushing intellectual people over the edge instead of making sure they thrive in a healthy environment. How many more lives will be spilled before we change our lifestyle and the basic values of our self-destructive society?

Corrupt has a perspective on things you won't find elsewhere - and there is no doubt that modern society is to blame. This is a modern phenomenon after all.

What I think is odd though is how there are plenty of groups in western nations that hate each other and blame each other but when have any of them ever targetted each other in a mass shooting? Wouldn't you think that should logically be more probable than a school shooting that seems as undiscriminating as this? Can anyone think of an explanation for this?
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Oh, so now I have to change values or some twerp in Finland will shoot up more kids again?

It's called a bell-curve, and the left end happens to be populated by idiots. When a few of these idiots get hold of guns, shit is prone to happen.

corrupt dot org is full of communitarian nonsense (as written in the 'philosophy' section upon clicking under 'goal' on the main page), as it calls for greater organization of society when the very existence of organization itself is to blame.

Obviously, if this process continues our society will get more corrupt and disorganized, smart people will flee or not breed, and we'll be left with a large population of clueless people who are more interested in their own personal drama and accessorizing than doing anything important or useful:

Smart people leave because we don't want to hang around with dum-dums, and whether we do or do not is our choice, not yours. Who would do the organizing, and to whose benefit? My father tells me that is why we have gated communities, co-ops, the City of London (not Greater London mind you), and property covenants: so that land-owners may at least retain control over some of our affairs in lieu of whatever nouveau-riche jungle-miscreants decide to wander in.

It is through property rights that the smart (and lucky) will prosper and the rubbish will perish. When we are selfish, all falls into place.
Well there has always been problems Norsemaiden, we are just in more extreme times, with violent movies, video games, music and such. I do wonder though, that if this dying economy in our western world will not result in some pretty serious violent confrontations at some point in time. I have heard some pretty serious talk by pissed off people that are otherwise normally sane and laid back. I cant speak for the video because I dont know the circumstances. One thing is certain, many people have had just about enough but are not quite yet with their back to the wall with no relief.

We really do need a plague, radical population reduction. The ant hill is overflowing and little of the population is honestly productive to lifes needs. Its all fabricated worthyness or usefullness and the screen of smoke and mirrors may be to the point where it will no longer work.
There has always been this kind of things, i think that nothing new occurs behind the sun. The difference it's the exposure, we live in a "global village". With more population an access to differents products the probabilities rise...

it's easier to blame modern society, by the way.
It is happening more and more frequently. Why wasn't this a problem when our parents went to school?

The universe hadn't got around to doing it then.

You can try and 'blame' all sorts of things you don't like to try and exert power over them, but blame as broad as 'modern society' achieves nothing - we can't just radically alter society and test the theory. The odd murderous rampage is hardly such a big deal anyway, is it?
People kill themselves for two reasons: hating themselves or hating the world. Matti Saari hated the world and knew that basic human nature wasn't going to change. Instead he realized it most probably was going to continue its downward spiral--painfully obvious only to the smart--and so he took his revenge and his exit. This school massacre is another tragic event marking the ignorance and selfishness of our social environment, pushing intellectual people over the edge instead of making sure they thrive in a healthy environment. How many more lives will be spilled before we change our lifestyle and the basic values of our self-destructive society?

very true.
Out of rage or disassociation with reality, their lack of value on life is what makes them able to commit these callous actions, and the act of suicide is a last resort for the self pitying, an escape from the all-judging society.

These psychotic individuals are partly responsible for shaping society...
I'm going to start with a video from the previous Finnish school shooter, Pekka-Eric Auvinen.

Made me think: Society is so fucking depressing. That's truly an understatement. Especially as a teen; the educational struggle, the peer pressure (Oh man, the peer pressure), (most of the time) the idiots all around us we have to deal with, etc.

The oh-so vacuous people we must put up with. These beings think that it is their life's duty to have you conform to their ideals. They twist words around to their liking (News). Did I mention how stupid they are??

Now, of course, I have my many flaws as well, but not as many as these folk. Especially Americans. Everyone hates Faux (Fox) News, I know, they are so unfair and imbalanced.

Yet we surf the channels for the most depressing network of them all: MTV. I would explain it, but I don't have 3 days to spend on it.

We watch the news, telling us to fear global warming; as if it could cause earth to implode tomorrow, e-coli in spinach and meat, killer african bees, these stupid make-believe diseases.

And guess what?? To get us to believe all of this, we are dosed up to the eyeballs on medication. Half of the side effects are worse than your actual "problem". If I'm depressed, I'm not going to take an anti-depressant that includes possible sides effects such as thoughts of suicide!!

I understand why some people do the violent things they do. They feel they must. I understand completely. Not that I condone it (I don't), but I know how they feel. They feel they must leave this world, and the next best possible way is to kill as many people you can, then finally, do yourself in.
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All the more reasons for the teacher to be carrying a Glock 45 or a D'eagle: not only to take down the crazies, but so that the kids will make sure not to piss off the teachers :lol:. Frankly, it is surprising they have not yet resorted to this measure in DC, Atlanta, New York, or other 'chocolate cities'.
Fenrisúlfr;7648698 said:
Frankly, it is surprising they have not yet resorted to this measure in DC, Atlanta, New York, or other 'chocolate cities'.

And yet this thread is about a school shooting in Finland, not any of those cities. Please save your racial agenda for another topic.
I don't think its so much about society being on a downward spiral as some misanthrope being pissed off at the world. As I learned in psychology. Misanthropes are people are socially unsuccessful and as sort of an emotional defense mechanism they build up a hatred of everyone for any reason that sounds right in their head.
What is the big deal about desert eagles, they aren't even a decent pistol, not to mention that if a teacher is carrying the .50 acp model, they will most likely end up breaking their wrists before they actually hit anyone.

I don't think its so much about society being on a downward spiral as some misanthrope being pissed off at the world. As I learned in psychology. Misanthropes are people are socially unsuccessful and as sort of an emotional defense mechanism they build up a hatred of everyone for any reason that sounds right in their head.
Well Im sorry man, but if you've never been there/aren't there, you really aren't enlightened to what its like, or the reasons behind it. Psychology class or no psychology class. Shit like that is just another straw on the pile. Everyones an expert. All the 'normal' people have everything figured out. They know whats wrong with everyone else........

Socially unsuccessful? I think you have missed the point. Completely. tbh

(btw im not trying to insult, mock, patronize or demean you personally in any manner)
And yet this thread is about a school shooting in Finland, not any of those cities. Please save your racist opinions for another topic.

Of course, you need to understand, the shooting in finland was probably performed by a chocolate man. You need to understand his pain. All the evils in the world are caused by....

You're right. Chocolate men.
OK, thats nice, with an awesome effort into explaining what was.

Kids with guns.

Violent films, lyrics, and video games do not cause kids to go kill people. To label them as one of the primary causes of school shootings is irrational. Kids go on murder rampages because of deep psychological issues; and these, in turn, aren't caused by video games.
They may get some ideas on how to do it from videogames and movies but the actual motive has nothing to do with it. Just like not everyone who listens to rap is constantly supermanning hos.

We constantly are having ideas hitting us through different things all the time, only a small percentage actually influence us.
To suggest something as a 'cause' of some action, that does not actually cause a majority of those who also participate in / suffer from the posited 'cause' to perform the same action, is to confuse the idea of what 'cause' means, imho. Modern society and videogames clearly don't cause school shootings, otherwise there would be no kids left, as they are all (pretty much) involved in both.