School shooting in Finland

Dead Winter

Apr 30, 2002

Holy crap...this is weird. Also I didn't know that there were 1.6 million people who own firearms in Finland. I've never been a gun nut, just mainly a hunter, and I've never really been for or against handgun control, but this is the first shooting in Finland as far as I know.

I think this is a testament to the fact that while I believe handguns are a problem in the US, I don't think they are a problem in and of themselves. This is a tragedy of course, but it really sets the debate for the old, "guns don't kill ppl, ppl kill ppl" argument. AND THEY ARE ALLOWED TO HAVE THEM AT AGE 15 IN FINLAND!!! Unbelievable.

It just goes to show, I guess, that the problems with violence in the US don't stem from the ease of obtaining a weapon, but from the level of stupidity with ppl on a massive scale in our society. This is of course a single case and is a tragedy, but to think that they have even more lenient laws than the US on firearms, yet seemingly almost none of the problems. I firmly believe it's a societal problem, and the idiots should be sterilized.
The difference in mentality is of course important, still Finland has had school shootings before and I've never heard about one in Sweden. So I still think the gun control argument holds up decently.
People have been killing each other in fucked up ways forever. If there weren't guns it would be swords or rocks or whatever.
Personally, I feel one of the biggest problems is population. Take mice, put two in a cage they are ok, 4 not bad. put in a number where they feel threatened and they kill/eat each other. You get the idea.
I think we should eat the weak-minded. They shall serve no purpose but to be our entrees. I mean, dumb animals are eaten all the time...and sometimes the animals are smarter than humans.

I've no problem with disposing of the useless...even if it means pooping them out, :lol:.
People have been killing each other in fucked up ways forever. If there weren't guns it would be swords or rocks or whatever.
Personally, I feel one of the biggest problems is population. Take mice, put two in a cage they are ok, 4 not bad. put in a number where they feel threatened and they kill/eat each other. You get the idea.

^ that's actually not entirely true, regarding mice...
They'll only kill and eat the sick/ weak...

If food is not being provided, most of them will die out of hunger
and in most cases mice do not eat each other, when the "others" are healthy...
I think we should eat the weak-minded. They shall serve no purpose but to be our entrees. I mean, dumb animals are eaten all the time...and sometimes the animals are smarter than humans.

I've no problem with disposing of the useless...even if it means pooping them out, :lol:.

I agree, which is why I think knowing you have a down syndrome or retarded kid in your womb and NOT aborting it, is stupid.
I also think we should eliminate all those weak-minded religious freaks who
follow the shallowness like sheep.
