Elementary school shooting

If this wasn't sad enough, some nut lit several houses on fire this morning in my town and then when the firemen showed up he shot them. wtf is wrong with people
Air soft? Lmao. Those are fucking stupid, I shot a target from 10 feet using a scope and the bullet hit 13 inches away from where I was aiming.

Not that I enjoy air soft at all but you didn't use a good one then, mine is precise to maximum 1cm from that distance. Obviously you're not shooting from 200m with those, but I could hit a thin tree trunk from what would be like 60 feet when the wind is calm and that's just a relatively low powered model. Sniping with air soft replicas is up to something like 100m (300ft) but that wouldn't be for a small target, more like a human size target, and with low energy in the end of the trajectory