Virginia shooting

There is no waiting period on purchasing weapons and firearms in Virginia. However the background check is sent as far as the FBI, where they should have picked up on Seung Cho being previously committed, however that wasn't the case.

People who are blaming the store that sold it to him should be clubbed. It wasn't their fault, they're just following the law, which they did. The standard questions were asked, and, on it they ask if they have any sort of mental instability, in which the asian said no.

By the way, new photos have been released, as well as video of him. These photos are of him in full army-like suiting, holding the guns and such. One to his head, of all things.
This kid was highly diluted. There was a high barrier between him and others. He was a textbook example of a symptom of the time. There is always two sides to a story. The American society/government is very fucked up right now. To put it simply he did something really stupid.
I was just watching the news, and there are a bunch of copycats running around some schools, apparently inspired by the acts of the shooter.

Some of them are soooo young...and one pointed a gun at some kids and later killed himself.

I've been kinda waiting for this to happen...there are always little fucking copycats after something like this. It's disgusting how shallow and impressionable the youth of today are.

I'm suddenly grateful that I go to a hippie school where everyone is too stoned to be violent. :zzz:
I too agree that there were a LOT of "warning signs" per se, and it's pretty dumb that nothing was done about it.
But honestly, I don't know how I would've reacted in that sort of situation either.

I help moderate an online support group for people who's lives have been impacted by a personality disordered individual. We focus on BPD and/or NPD, but there are lots of different varieties of fruit on the planet.

There is a very real pattern to the stories that come through over and over and over. Basically, when someone is that over-the-top whacked, it's surreal and unbelievable, even to people actually involved in the situation. It's a combination of "frog boiling", wherein a person becomes jaded over prolonged exposure to whacked behavior, and therefore the behavior can escalate to intolerable proportions, even to where the victims and/or their children are held at gun point, or viciously assaulted, and the victim will still question if the problem is really that severe, or maybe their perceptions are just a little off. This type of behavior is something that happens "to someone else". Even seeing it first hand is just mind-fucking -- it's hard not to just stare at them like they've got 3 heads or something, your brain grinding for something, anything rational about the words, actions or situation.

Additionally, Americans, as I understand it, are unique. We are continually trying to get away from each other. We move out of our parents homes, live alone, have private offices, etc. Whereas most of the rest of the world's cultures get together with friends and family at every opportunity. In my mind, this gives us a more conducive environment for this sort of behavior to get out of control to the point of shootings.

I was just watching the news, and there are a bunch of copycats running around some schools, apparently inspired by the acts of the shooter.

This just pisses me off about our media. While all this was going on, we "missed" the new news on partial birth abortions, and bunches of folks died (again) in the middle east. We're so busy making this whack job into a celebrity, that lots of kids who can relate suddenly want to emulate, and our whole country has turned into an enormous Jerry Springer episode, wherein real news has no place.

I'll tell ya what, though, there is one thing that our shooters and other types of mass murderers -- bombers, terrorists, and whatnot -- have in common. In each case, the person perpetrating the atrocity genuinely believes that they have EVERY right to do what they're doing, and some even feel that it is mandated. Few take personal responsibility, blaming either some god or their victims.
I help moderate an online support group for people who's lives have been impacted by a personality disordered individual. We focus on BPD and/or NPD, but there are lots of different varieties of fruit on the planet.

There is a very real pattern to the stories that come through over and over and over. Basically, when someone is that over-the-top whacked, it's surreal and unbelievable, even to people actually involved in the situation. It's a combination of "frog boiling", wherein a person becomes jaded over prolonged exposure to whacked behavior, and therefore the behavior can escalate to intolerable proportions, even to where the victims and/or their children are held at gun point, or viciously assaulted, and the victim will still question if the problem is really that severe, or maybe their perceptions are just a little off. This type of behavior is something that happens "to someone else". Even seeing it first hand is just mind-fucking -- it's hard not to just stare at them like they've got 3 heads or something, your brain grinding for something, anything rational about the words, actions or situation.

Additionally, Americans, as I understand it, are unique. We are continually trying to get away from each other. We move out of our parents homes, live alone, have private offices, etc. Whereas most of the rest of the world's cultures get together with friends and family at every opportunity. In my mind, this gives us a more conducive environment for this sort of behavior to get out of control to the point of shootings.

This just pisses me off about our media. While all this was going on, we "missed" the new news on partial birth abortions, and bunches of folks died (again) in the middle east. We're so busy making this whack job into a celebrity, that lots of kids who can relate suddenly want to emulate, and our whole country has turned into an enormous Jerry Springer episode, wherein real news has no place.

I'll tell ya what, though, there is one thing that our shooters and other types of mass murderers -- bombers, terrorists, and whatnot -- have in common. In each case, the person perpetrating the atrocity genuinely believes that they have EVERY right to do what they're doing, and some even feel that it is mandated. Few take personal responsibility, blaming either some god or their victims.

Having taken some psych and cultural anthropology, I know what you're talking about.
Americans are somewhat of an anomaly in the respect that we really are trying to distance ourselves from everyone. It's pretty bizarre. Not that I think anything weird of it, because it's all I've ever known in my culture; but almost EVERYWHERE else, people appreciate elders and their wisdom and experiences instead of abandoning them in retirement homes or hospitals. They feel the need to support their family and live with them if need be.
It's pretty sad that we're conditioned to think that it's shameful to live with your family or something like that.

I've met some people with the aforementioned trait of the whole "frog boiling" thing. My most recent quasi-ex thing, had that to some degree. A lot of the reason why that whole situation didn't work out was because her psychotic ex would always be harassing her, demanding to know where she was at all times, go into fits of rage and cry hysterically if she wouldn't do what he requested of her; and these two had been separated for a fucking year.
I'd talk about it to her and she was basically convinced it wasn't that bad. Wow. Are you kidding me? It was really ridiculous. And she was so used to it that she didn't think much of it, even though it's the bane of her life and she can't progress with her life or do things she wants to do because of it. Yeah, not that bad at all.
This brings up another point too:

With the whole "frog boiling" desensitization syndrome, the media absolutely bombards us with vicarious death and murder and atrocity until it means fucking nothing to us anymore. It's just a number.
Not to pick on Will, but the whole "not my family, not me directly, I don't care" attitude is exactly what happens because of us being desensitized to things like this. It's a vicious cycle. We're conditioned not to care and we don't do anything to help ourselves with that by isolation and feeling the need to distance ourselves from family ASAP and what have you, and then when guys like this dude are so blatantly displaying behavior people should be concerned about, what happens? "Doesn't affect me, why should I care?"
Then when the guy actually does do something, the very same media machine (knows what to do) that conditions us not to care about shit, completely blows the whole situation up in our faces.
It's pretty insane, if you ask me. At least this is how I perceive it.
The media definitely profits of others pain and suffering, and we tend to eat it up, and spit it out. Not that it's going to do anything because people are two stupid, and selfish to see there is a real problem, and want to point the finger at someone else, but this particular story however should be pushed in their faces in hope of change. This society is fucked up, and people need to start teaching their children more acceptance for others who are different from them, and the parents need to practice these ideals also. Another thing once again that is largly at fault here is relgion for diluting peoples minds, and needlessly seprating people even further.
The idea of responsible media went out of fashion decades ago. That said, anyone with half a brain can read a plethora of sources and make their own mind up.

Harping on about the machinations of some unstoppable, immoral media machine is to over simplify and yet further blame anything but ourselves for the cultural rot we are experiencing.

Also, should someone who substitutes too for two really be calling anyone stupid?

To quote an ANAL (some of you will get the reference, I hope) friend of mine "EUGENICS NOW".
The idea of responsible media went out of fashion decades ago. That said, anyone with half a brain can read a plethora of sources and make their own mind up.

Harping on about the machinations of some unstoppable, immoral media machine is to over simplify and yet further blame anything but ourselves for the cultural rot we are experiencing.

Also, should someone who substitutes too for two really be calling anyone stupid?

To quote an ANAL (some of you will get the reference, I hope) friend of mine "EUGENICS NOW".
It's so nice of you to bring up a small mistake of mine when I most certainly know the difference. Want a cookie? Secondly my mention of the media has no significance since I was hardly harping. Most importantly the whole point I was trying to make as you so kindly phrased it, "we have nothing to blame but ourselves." Thanks for repeating what I said. Cheers!
I'm always wary of anything coming out of the Corrupt camp. It always sounds too easy and polished. They often make some interesting points with great dynamism, but (and I may be wrong) the agenda in blanket postings (such as this) usually warrants consideration.
I hate to sound like an asshole. I notice people only speak their mind and people think their is gun problem when a school shooting happens which is not a lot. Guns kill people all the time and I don't see the point in trying to justify who should get empathy and who should not that was shot. I honestly do not watch the news and get emotional or have feeling towards the victims because people are shot all the time and why should these people get some feelings from me over anyone else who is shot. I can't even imagine how many peoples lives are taken by guns. 32 people are shot at a school and now america has a gun problem and guns is an issue. Was there no gun problem before or do the right people have to get shot for people to give a shit ?

Yeah these people did not deserve to have their lives taken by some deranged asshole, but at the sametime I honestly don't care. Good peoples lives are taken all the time and do not see the point in judging whos names are remembered and who are not just because news needs to figure out how to get the most viewing by things they air. It's just news blowing things out of perportion imo.

I don't care about the shooter or who he shot. I do have emotions trust me and feel. I can't distinguish people who are killed from another. I can't feel for everyone who dies. To feel bad for these people and no one else who suffered as much would just be strange to me. I can bet without knowing a lot of people were shot around the sametime also and no one cares and no one knows who their names are. Unless I know someone or they had an impact on me I can't waste my emotion caring or pretending to care about this because it's probably the right thing to do.
...Selfishness is a form of corruption...
(because it's not the foundation on which nature - and advanced society - lies)
...We are not only overpopulating, but we are breeding from the lower strata of our intelligences...
(because there's so much real evidence to show that most of the world is just born stupid, and we really don't have anywhere else to put people)
...We refer to the acceptance of this literal tendency to physical reality as "nihilism," because we refute all values except reality...
(because "nothing" and "everything that we can observe" are so similar)
...Realism can also create a false concept of our world...
(wait, didn't you just... what the fuck?)

These people sound like complete and total dumbasses. I am not amused.

Death Delirium: Another one is lost to apathy. Seriously the problem isn't gun control because people would just find another way to kill one another. The problem is apathy towards your fellow man. "It's not my problem, I don't care." This wasn't some deranged asshole, and this totally could have been avoided. The signs were all there that this kid needed serious help, and people did little to nothing about it. So until you show some compassion to your fellow man shit like this will happen, and someday it will effect you directly.

The problem of society is simple apathy has taken takes hold, and materialism sets in. People who don't feel apathy have the pain, and suffering of loneliness because in someways they are the only ones truly left with their humanity in tact. Loneliness makes people do strange things. Bad things will happen until more people start waking up from this apathy. We are all brothers, and sisters, and we need to start acting like it.

edit: I may seem to oversimplify things, but I don't feel this is the end of a problem only the beginning. I went through a series of emotions during the past couple of days from anger for others to apathy to realization. I face the same problems, as everyone else, I can be selfish, an asshole, apathetic, but at least i'm starting to understand somethings that some people already know. I think the power of word is the most powerful thing, and we can change things just by speaking about the real issues. You may already know these things, but share it with others that don't because you would be shocked how many of them don't understand these simple facts.
Apathy is not materialism is not apathy. And do you really think people caring is going to solve all of these problems, especially when this fucker did everything but go out of his way to not be cared about? He was sent to some counseling, most likely the university's (which can't be trusted as far as it can be thrown), and what I've heard indicates that the person in charge of his case decided that he wasn't an imminent danger to those around him.

On a more amusing note, ********** is as ridiculous as ever:
