A few comments...
First, I went to Catholic school. You know how that turned out. Save the tuition money and buy your kid some *real* books that don't fucking suck - go to public school for the paperwork and the LIBRARY for an education.
The only reason I came out of school with the ability to *think* is that I ignored the fucking shit out of people. I had better books - math, physics, electronics, et cetera - and things like computers and electronic gizmos, and I turned out better than anyone around me SOLELY because of that. Unless you're specifically looking for a school with great academic credentials, you have a very high chance of committing intellectual infanticide - and schools worth going to are hard to find.
Kids aren't any less fucked up - Catholicism is one of those systems that can make it really easy to appear perfectly sane while being totally fucking batshit crazy, and it shows. Small schools have plenty of advantages, and the fact that private schools have an easier time keeping classes small shows (there's just much more the teachers can do, which helps much more than most expect), but socially the small ones are pretty much inbred cesspools.
My second high school had about 400 people total in the year I graduated, and the drama was so dense you could fold it a few times and sharpen it into a fucking katana - I've since dealt with a lot of big public school bullshit and it had *nothing* on a graduating class of 100 people. I've been tutoring for as long as I've been around a school of any kind, and I haven't found a single public high school that beat a single small Catholic school as far as social skullfuckery.
In my school... there was no way to avoid people, so I just had to scare the shit out of everyone - to the point where classes *stopped* when I left the room, I got to ignore rules just because I felt like it that day, and I could decide that someone just wouldn't show up for school. I don't think there was any less risk of a school shooting at the Catholic schools I went to - nuts are hard to get rid of completely.
Second, this is not a gun control thread. There have been others, and they died for a reason.
Finally, I'd like to see more about the possibly-faked 'German 4chan' business.