Mall Shooting in Omaha, Ne


May 14, 2005
An afternoon of holiday shopping was shattered by gunfire at Westroads Mall Wednesday afternoon. A gunman armed with a rifle killed nine people and injured five others, two critically, before shooting himself to death.

Creighton University Medical Center confirms two fatalities there; one man and one woman. Another person is in critical condition.

Three victims were taken to the Nebraska Medical Center, one in critical condition with a chest wound. One person has an arm wound and the third was being treated for cuts to the face.

Shortly after 4 p.m. Omaha Police Sergeant Teresa Negron said that 14 people were shot; nine had died, including the gunman and five were injured.

I don't know if anyone cares about this, but I thought I would post this. This is ridiculous. Apparently the main shooting happened in a Von Maur department store. This is crazy because this happens to be the exact store that my girlfriend shops at quite often. It just really hit home when this happened. You see this type of stuff happen on occasion on television and hear about it on the radio, but when it see it happen in your own town it's just crazy. The only thing going through my mind was, what if this was our (my girlfriend and I) day off. We could have very well have been going through the mall at the exact time this occurred. It's just crazy. I guess I was naive before and didn't really pay attention about this type of stuff when it didn't happen close to me. We still don't even know who was killed. For those who don't know, Omaha is not that big, 450,000 to 500,000. I shudder to think that I know someone who was killed, then I think it doesn't matter if I know who was killed, because if I didn't know them someone else did. They were someone's wife, husband, child, grandfather, grandmother, etc...And to think that it was done by someone who had no other reason except to kill himself. Because, as his note said, "I'm going out in style." I wish the best for the families of the victims and that those who did make it make a full recovery.

Sorry again if this off topic. I felt I had to post what I felt about it.
It's always fucked up to hear about these things...No matter how many times I hear it, especially when people are killed who have nothing to do with it.
Its so extremely meaningless, yes. If this loser wants to kill himself - fine. But to kill others and destroy the life og their loved ones just so you can make your death something "special" is just insanely selfish!
we learn everyday tragic stories like this, that often we didnt almost care because it happens too much.
where i live, is famous for mafia, you know, and blood pages are written day by day, innocent people or not.
some months ago a young guy was burned in his car, in my town for drugs affair....
they found just some bones of him and nothing else...creepy
it is very sad, but this is the cruel world where our sons will live and we cant protect them as we wish

i can understand when they kill each other, but it's very wicked to kill innocents.
It is a sick world...and stuff like this will happen all the time. People think doctors, drugs....etc...will be the answer and it just doesn't help. I accept that some people have issues...and some of those issues can't be solved. I'm not saying this stuff is good..all the killings and such..but there's only so much we can do to prevent it. I just look at it as, I just have to carry glad it wasn't me who was involved...or any family members...or friends....etc.
I just saw it on the news here too. It almost seems some sort of trend to go out kill a bunch of random people and then kill yourself so you don't have to face responsibility. Extremely sad (scary) that there's so many of these sick people around.
I actually live in Omaha, not too far from this. Pretty fucked up, I was actually in class when a few of the girls across the room got phone calls saying somebody shot some people up at the mall. :erk:

It really makes you stop and think, all it takes is one sick individual for something like this to happen.
Yeah, It just struck me how, when this happens in other places, I'm just like, "Oh wow that's crazy stuff." But when it happened close to me I absolutely couldn't believe it. Just opened my eyes to how real all of this is.
Absolutely sickening. The shooters landlord stated that "He always seemed like a lost puppy".
To think that people are out buying Christmas gifts and this is supposed to be a jolly time of year...
Yeah check this bullshit out. These fucking douchebags are the ones that need to be shot. Talk about lack of morality... These guys may be worse than the shooter himself.

I just got a phonecall from a friend saying that westboro baptist church will be at the westroads tommorow night celebrating the deaths of the 9 people who died. For those of you who aren't familiar with this lovely group of vermin, they're the same ones who go all around the country protesting soldiers funerals and celebrating the deaths of gay people with signs that say things like "thank god for dead soldiers" "thank god for IEDs" "god hates fags"

I don't know what to think. I've had it in for these guys for ages, ever since they held one of their protests in Lincoln... Snap, Bunny, please tell me that going to jail is a bad thing and that these people (if they can be called that) aren't worth the trouble!

Either way this is just bad for Omaha, please continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers!
we learn everyday tragic stories like this, that often we didnt almost care because it happens too much.
where i live, is famous for mafia, you know, and blood pages are written day by day, innocent people or not.
some months ago a young guy was burned in his car, in my town for drugs affair....
they found just some bones of him and nothing else...creepy
it is very sad, but this is the cruel world where our sons will live and we cant protect them as we wish

i can understand when they kill each other, but it's very wicked to kill innocents.
It seems that this "culture" has become desensitized to things such as this. Almost not surprising anymore. People no longer value Human life. This action just reminds me of how fucked up things are throughout this world. A fuckin' tragedy. Period.