Elementary school shooting

According to CNN the killer was a father of one of the students, among the dead is the principal and a psychologist... this begins to tell us the real roots of the whole situation...
What exactly was it that made the killer crazy enough to do it ?
We can't defend our schools against such situations, so we should focus on prevention and start by identifying main causes.
Sucks to read about something like this happening. As a school teacher myself, I can't think of anything more horrifying.
Yea, he killed his mother,and then her students.

So fucked up. Some kids these days are just retarded. What in the ever loving FUCK would a 20-24 year old have against his mother and her kindergarten students?!?!!?! I had a period of my life where I was depressed, doing horrible in school, dropped out of high school, etc. Didn't take it out on anyone else except myself.

Kids are faggots these days and need to burn slowly in hell.
that's incredibly sad. my condolences to all those affected.
I don't know much about the american school system, government or what can be done about it. however, I hope there's going to be fixes really soon.

what was changed after columbine?
Going purely what was on the Moore documentary, the availability of certain kinds of ammunition has been restricted a little, like not being able to buy it at Wal-mart or something. Not being an American, I'm not up to speed on all of the details.

I wonder if anything can really be done about it all. There will always be people who fly under the radar from psychiatric assessment, who will do unpredictable things like this.
I'm surprised that the EU guys haven't come in criticizing america for its lack of "gun control".

The same scenario seems to stem every time in these mass shootings, males in their teens to early 20s, usually in high school or college, buying the guns legally because they have no criminal history, shooting up schools, malls or other places of high density, wearing armor or battle fatigues of some sort, AR-15 and various semi automatic handguns and then take their own lives after they have reached an adequate amount of kills.

It almost seems like these are "copycat" mass murders since columbine.

The fact that this stereotype exists says something about a larger issue of our younger generations, something is creating a disturbed, mentally ill demographic of young males, as to what it is, I can name theories but I will save that for another day.

In the end the situation is very sad, both for the fact of the ever increasing rate of deranged shooters and for the victims that they kill. We really need to find a way to end the deconstruction of our society that breeds these monsters to prevent this from continuing.
Wonder if the dude listened to Marilyn manson?

On a serious note though, this is ridiculous, why america won't give in to gun control alws when shit like this happens i'll never know. We do fine without guns here in the uk
There is a bloke on Australian TV right now talking about 'what makes someone click'. Supposedly, there are easy to identify warning signs.

I'm a gun owner myself and I don't see a lot of logic behind some of the gun control arguments.
I am a dirty, left wing, 99%, hairy armpit transsexual lesbian politically, but I am not sure that gun control is the solution to the problem. Unfortunately, the sample size is so small that we can't really figure out what is driving these people to do this.

What we know is that it is more common in the United States and that these killers tend to be white. Also, it seems like this doesn't happen in the middle of big cities. It is usually confined to suburban areas. So if guns are the problem, why don't we see more non-white killers?