School shooting in Finland

Interesting theory...but I was referring to the people who are weak-minded but should know better; normal, healthy individuals who have no excuse for being a burden on society. Mentally handicapped people should be afforded the same rights as everyone else, especially since they cannot help their condition and were born with it. I understand your opinion about the abortion thing, and I must say I agree. I hate to sound like a complete ass, but that's how I feel.

When I say weak-minded, however, I don't mean the mentally handicapped. They're quite innocent and good citizens, they just have personal problems that they're born with and can't help. I'm talking about people who purposely hurt other people and serve no purpose but to fill up our prisons and drain our tax dollars. They should be food for the animals that we eat.
Interesting theory...but I was referring to the people who are weak-minded but should know better; normal, healthy individuals who have no excuse for being a burden on society. Mentally handicapped people should be afforded the same rights as everyone else, especially since they cannot help their condition and were born with it. I understand your opinion about the abortion thing, and I must say I agree. I hate to sound like a complete ass, but that's how I feel.

When I say weak-minded, however, I don't mean the mentally handicapped. They're quite innocent and good citizens, they just have personal problems that they're born with and can't help. I'm talking about people who purposely hurt other people and serve no purpose but to fill up our prisons and drain our tax dollars. They should be food for the animals that we eat.

^ yes, I agree Chris... I only said what I said about aborting those babies
IF YOU KNOW for a FACT they are really mentaly retarded / down syndrome while still in your womb... I do agree that once they are 'out' they are innocent and not "weak" minded, like you said.
I will never hurt the crippled/ handicapped....
Oh yeah I knew what you meant, Karen. I know you wouldn't seriously hurt anyone, lol. Just wanted to put my two bits in that I agree that there are enough problems in the world for "normal" children (I hate that term), and knowingly bringing a child with serious mental or physical difficulties into this world could be such an unfair burden on them in these times. It sounds cruel, but that's the best way I can explain it. If it's detected early, I would abort.
Do you guys feel we are weakening our species by keeping and allowing for such groups of people to live and breed? The crooks and creepy guys, not the mentally challenged. If that were the case I'd be gone long ago. LOL

I sometimes do.

Karen, an old girlfriend of mine had pet mice. Those ones would do that. Perhaps it is not common or there was some other such reason? They always kept thier numbers in check themselves. Weird.
Oh yeah I knew what you meant, Karen. I know you wouldn't seriously hurt anyone, lol. Just wanted to put my two bits in that I agree that there are enough problems in the world for "normal" children (I hate that term), and knowingly bringing a child with serious mental or physical difficulties into this world could be such an unfair burden on them in these times. It sounds cruel, but that's the best way I can explain it. If it's detected early, I would abort.

^ exactly.
Why bring a child into this world if you know that child will forever need assistance, and help until it dies? I don't see the point.
If however, the problem wasn't detected, and someone has a child like this, then provide all the help you can for it. Don't abandon it!
You know what I mean?
Im all for aborting those embryos if something wrong is detected...

Dan: like I said: "it's not entirely" true... mice are no longer a "pure" breed, normally the ones in pet stores are so inbred, that the genes are completely weak (they live to about 2 years, where a common "wild" mouse, which hardl can live up to 6 years) so there are exceptions... and since they are inbreds, there are no "common" rules for behavior...
Do you guys feel we are weakening our species by keeping and allowing for such groups of people to live and breed? The crooks and creepy guys, not the mentally challenged. If that were the case I'd be gone long ago. LOL

Being a crook or a creepy guy shouldn't automatically get you sterilized under my regime. Everyone makes mistakes and gets caught up in the wrong crowd sometimes, but there's a big difference between shoplifting and murder. If someone intentionally seriously hurts, maims, or kills someone else for personal gain and not in self-defense of a provoked attack, they should be sent to prison and sterilized.

Groups such as these are simply a cancer on modern society; they may have been tolerated years ago but we cannot move forward with these people holding us back. Cut them out as you would cut out cancer. The death sentence is useful in some extreme cases, of course, but not all. I think if you go to prison for murder or rape and you aren't sentenced to death, you should be sterilized.
Being a crook or a creepy guy shouldn't automatically get you sterilized under my regime. Everyone makes mistakes and gets caught up in the wrong crowd sometimes, but there's a big difference between shoplifting and murder. If someone intentionally seriously hurts, maims, or kills someone else for personal gain and not in self-defense of a provoked attack, they should be sent to prison and sterilized.

Groups such as these are simply a cancer on modern society; they may have been tolerated years ago but we cannot move forward with these people holding us back. Cut them out as you would cut out cancer. The death sentence is useful in some extreme cases, of course, but not all. I think if you go to prison for murder or rape and you aren't sentenced to death, you should be sterilized.

As long as people who believe in creationism get sterilized then it's allll good.
Also a caveat to that...there is such a thing as being reformed. Let's say you were a thug in your youth and did 25 years in prison for shooting someone, but now that you're out you've completely been rehabilitated and want to start a decent life and maybe a decent family, there is no reason why you shouldn't be afforded the right to raising a family. But the sperm will have to come from someone else or you must be forced to adopt. Good luck finding an adoption agency willing to hand over a child to a convicted murderer. If that argument comes up that it's not fair, they should've thought about that while they were 'blasting on fools'.

It's not a racial thing or anything stupid like that, it's called survival of the species. If you are an albatross around the neck of humankind, you should be cut loose and left behind. This planet and the survival and improvement of the human race is not to be trifled with anymore.
"Guns don't kill people, black motherfuckers with guns kill people!"

For those who haven't seen it:

Edit: How innapropriate considering the thread subject :lol:
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Interesting theory...but I was referring to the people who are weak-minded but should know better; normal, healthy individuals who have no excuse for being a burden on society. Mentally handicapped people should be afforded the same rights as everyone else, especially since they cannot help their condition and were born with it. I understand your opinion about the abortion thing, and I must say I agree. I hate to sound like a complete ass, but that's how I feel.

When I say weak-minded, however, I don't mean the mentally handicapped. They're quite innocent and good citizens, they just have personal problems that they're born with and can't help. I'm talking about people who purposely hurt other people and serve no purpose but to fill up our prisons and drain our tax dollars. They should be food for the animals that we eat.

Those are some interesting ideas, Chris, but I'm afraid it just doesn't work like this. First of all I wouldn't refer to "people who purposely hurt other people and serve no purpose but to fill up our prisons " as healthy individuals. Those are mostly psychiatriclly challenged (not the same as mentally handicapped) and are weak-minded of course. The number of those weak-minded people suffering from psycho stuff (schizophrenia, psychosis...whatever) is growing. My question is how we separate the ones who are going to be a burden on society? And why should we eat psychically ill and not mentally retarded? Because as you said in previouse post :"dumb animals are eaten all the time" - and dumb animal is equivalent to retarded people than to "weak-minded".

As for abortion of damaged fetus, I would do it, although it's always easy to decide on problems like that when they are strictly hypothetical.
Those are some interesting ideas, Chris, but I'm afraid it just doesn't work like this. First of all I wouldn't refer to "people who purposely hurt other people and serve no purpose but to fill up our prisons " as healthy individuals. Those are mostly psychiatriclly challenged (not the same as mentally handicapped) and are weak-minded of course. The number of those weak-minded people suffering from psycho stuff (schizophrenia, psychosis...whatever) is growing. My question is how we separate the ones who are going to be a burden on society? And why should we eat psychically ill and not mentally retarded? Because as you said in previouse post :"dumb animals are eaten all the time" - and dumb animal is equivalent to retarded people than to "weak-minded".

As for abortion of damaged fetus, I would do it, although it's always easy to decide on problems like that when they are strictly hypothetical.

I agree with you and by separating them, of course I didn't mean psychologically challenged, they as well cannot help their condition. I was speaking about people of clinically sound mind and body to be sterilized, not anyone who has a medical disorder, be it physical or psychological. They must be cared for as they are not 100% and as long as they aren't dangerous, should try to adapt to society. In a nutshell, I'm speaking about thugs who shoot other people for their shoes or the rims on their cars.

And of course the part about eating them was just me being over-the-top and silly. I wasn't serious. Although that part in Fried Green Tomatoes was pretty cool, hehe.

Also, this whole thing is's just kind of a "king for a day" thought.