Cannot Believe what I'm seeing!

I don't watch TV or listen to radio, thats why I've been spared from a lot of shitty music

when i hear people say this it makes me laugh! ...especially when audio engineer's say it. :lol:

like; if you don't listen how do you know it's "shitty" ? :erk:

it's a paradox. *spooky :ill:
when i hear people say this it makes me laugh! ...especially when audio engineer's say it. :lol:

like; if you don't listen how do you know it's "shitty" ? :erk:

it's a paradox. *spooky :ill:

Well I wouldnt say I dont listen to it at all cause there is no getting away from it. I mean there are bands that I hear through friends or while fliping through the channels that I hear and go WOW that production is really good....Paramore & HailStorm as of late. I actually went out and bought the HailStorm CD and it kicks ass. The latest 5FDP is pretty good too.
here in Mexico, we have our own Justin Bieber




How do you go through life not hearing about people as huge as this.

I've only heard of him because he's been bitched about on this forum. Really...I don't give a damn what "the masses" are listening to (i.e. pop music). FWIW...I had also never heard of The Spice Girls either until six years ago or so when my wife asked me if I knew one of their songs. (I wasn't missing much there either) :goggly:

the child can obviously sing... he isn't the greatest singer however he is really young and through touring experience, press junkets, meet & greets, movie offers and making records he will grow up really fast and learn a lot.

sure, he doesn't write metal or hardcore but he's a pop singer and he seems to be doing really well as far as fan-base is concerned. (and for the record; he is experiencing something we may never get a chance to experience and a lot of people might want to hear his story, even if he is a douche-bag).

one of my philosophies: "do we scrutinize the patron or the performer?"

In actuality he kind of can't sing, there are some of his songs where he is still off even when they are using autotune (light enough to try an hide they are using it). Beyond that its neither the patron or the performer who are to blame, rather the entrepreneur that exploits the performer for a monetary gain.

I don't have any respect for him as a singer, but I would have to give him props if he started playing drums for a pop or rock band that wasn't an an idol to epidemic proportions because imo he has much more to prove and more more talent at drums than he does singing.
This whole Bieber thing has really passed me by. I credit never watching TV or listening to the radio. I find my state of being to be in much better balance that way. High exposure to societal degeneration has a way of sparking my nihilism on a level that's best left undone lest we want another serial killer out there.

It's fairly sad what's come of the entertainment industry in the last decade.
its neither the patron or the performer who are to blame, rather the entrepreneur that exploits the performer for a monetary gain.

i think you may have misunderstood the analogy. the patron is presumably; the fan... are we to blame a musician (performer) for drawing fans, selling out shows and merchandise... or should we blame the fan for "buying" into the exploitation?

it's not fair to say the kid can't sing... based on his pop vocals and pop standards he is no Aretha Franklin but... like i said he is really young.

for instance: justin timberlake started young (not necessarily the greatest vocalist)... but now, he is an excellent vocalist.

if we nit-picked every nuance of a musical artifact, it would inherently become something that was of your taste.

if we say that just bieber is a terrible/awful artist, that would mean we are comparing him to something and c'mon if we do that it would be an all out opinion war.

the facts: justin bieber has a huge fan base, he sells out shows and he is a pop artist... those are the facts. anything said after that is a formal opinion.
Don't call this kid an artist. Call him a "talent," an "asset," a "stark raving douchebag" or anything else. Artist? No.
And he has a huge fan base of 12 year old girls, and we all know how impressionable kids are to marketing. "Buy this record and you'll be cool" so they nag their parents to buy them the latest <insert tween pop idol> CD. He doesn't sell because he's talented, he sells because he has a team of some of the cleverest marketers known to man working with him to get him in everyone's faces.

Having said that, I can't say I particularly care about this Bieber kid and his contributions (or lack thereof) to the musical world to get riled up about it.
I don't watch TV, don't listen to the radio, don't read the newspaper or look at/read anything that will be even remotely associated with celebrity "culture," so I've managed to avoid the whole Bieber thing apart from this forum funnily enough.
It seems this kid drives people to react much the same as I would react to Attack Attack, maybe not quite as vitriolic actually, but a similar sort of vibe of simultaneous rage and bewilderment.
I don't see either act being all that different. AA have chugs and Bieber has a voice that's higher than I got the past weekend, it's all pop with no soul, but it fails to bother me anymore. Maybe I've become like Ermz and reached the point where I'm past caring, maybe I've chilled out more, maybe I'm too busy listening to jew music and Miles Davis records to bother keeping up with any of this. More likely all of those at once.

All this music that I, and all of us here find to be a cancer on the face of the musical world isn't about to go away, but neither are those Miles Davis records. And to add that, 30 years from now, nobody will know who this kid is and nobody will care and people will still be listening to Bitches Brew. Karma finds a way with this stuff. It got stated early on that he looks like he's had his soul sucked out through his eyeballs. His karmic retribution's already happening, so stop browsing your goddamn celeb sites and go back to listening to Immolation on repeat, just as I'm doing.
Don't call this kid an artist. Call him a "talent," an "asset," a "stark raving douchebag" or anything else. Artist? No.
And he has a huge fan base of 12 year old girls, and we all know how impressionable kids are to marketing. "Buy this record and you'll be cool" so they nag their parents to buy them the latest <insert tween pop idol> CD. He doesn't sell because he's talented, he sells because he has a team of some of the cleverest marketers known to man working with him to get him in everyone's faces.

Having said that, I can't say I particularly care about this Bieber kid and his contributions (or lack thereof) to the musical world to get riled up about it.
I don't watch TV, don't listen to the radio, don't read the newspaper or look at/read anything that will be even remotely associated with celebrity "culture," so I've managed to avoid the whole Bieber thing apart from this forum funnily enough.
It seems this kid drives people to react much the same as I would react to Attack Attack, maybe not quite as vitriolic actually, but a similar sort of vibe of simultaneous rage and bewilderment.
I don't see either act being all that different. AA have chugs and Bieber has a voice that's higher than I got the past weekend, it's all pop with no soul, but it fails to bother me anymore. Maybe I've become like Ermz and reached the point where I'm past caring, maybe I've chilled out more, maybe I'm too busy listening to jew music and Miles Davis records to bother keeping up with any of this. More likely all of those at once.

All this music that I, and all of us here find to be a cancer on the face of the musical world isn't about to go away, but neither are those Miles Davis records. And to add that, 30 years from now, nobody will know who this kid is and nobody will care and people will still be listening to Bitches Brew. Karma finds a way with this stuff. It got stated early on that he looks like he's had his soul sucked out through his eyeballs. His karmic retribution's already happening, so stop browsing your goddamn celeb sites and go back to listening to Immolation on repeat, just as I'm doing.

people are getting frustrated because as you said it Gareth, when I was growing up, and when my parents were growing up, pop music still had soul, and passion that you could hear in the conviction of every musician and their instrument. We want something with that talent, when you burn yourself out on the old music and you want something of that caliber and fresh but all the new music is cold, sterile and lifeless the yearning for new soul burns deeper in a little more everyday and that yearning turns to hatred, hatred to the faces that have replaced true talent. Even in the underground music scenes including the metal mainstream, real talent is getting hard to find. What will you do the day that you are burned out of all your old favs to look for new music and find that it is all shit, all shit because everyone only gets in the music business to make money?
I got that recently, or rather I got burnt out on all the music I'd been listening to non-stop for the past year.
My solution was listening to overwhelming amounts of Parliament.

But I don't think talent and music made by talented people with something to say will ever cease to exist. And yeah, pop music in the 60's and 70's seemed, by the large, far more soulful and heartfelt than it does now, but there's a lot of rose tinted goggles action going on there, from both the people that were around then and the people that weren't even alive to see those times. For every Led Zeppelin I'm sure there were a thousand rip-offs, for every Pink Floyd pushing the boundaries through rabid, acid fuelled experimentation, there was a million already aging, washed up hippies playing guitar solos with the "blues scale" and a bit of reverb for 20 minutes, convinced that it was "progression."

Yeah, I can't say much modern metal, or modern music in general does much for me, but there's a few shining examples that bring me the utmost joy and love and take me to deep, interesting places that I never thought I'd go to, and that's enough to restore my faith in the power of music. So fuck your Justin Biebers, hit up Last.FM and search for new music and don't stop until you find something that blows your mind, and once you find that ONE album, or even ONE track, all your searching and wasted time on hundreds of mediocre bands in your hunt for new music will be all worth it.
All I was saying is that I have noticed over the past couple of years that (and throughout my lifetime) that mainstream music has become simpler and more dumbed down while it has become harder to discover new talent as it seems like you have to weed through more shit now. Most of my top favorite bands have fallen apart, or gone to shit because of drastic changes and trying to find bands that sound similar and live up to the same level of epicness has been impossible.
That kid probably gets more pussy than everyone on this forum, and has toured more than 99.999% of the members here. He's probably experienced a shitload, being thrown into the music industry at such a young age.

This is exactly what I was going to say , even though I've never heard his music I'm sure he's experienced a lot , and millions of girls will buy his book. Why the hell wouldn't he do it?
The kid is way more qualified to write a book than say... Sarah Palin - can we agree on that?
Also have to agree with everyone else who said the only way they heard of bieber was through this "metal" forum. If you don't like the kid , stop promoting his name on forums
I just went and watched one of his music videos, not having heard any of his music before.

Good for him, but it all just looks like a fucking joke. But I guess it's the same phenomenon as with Twilight
everyone only gets in the music business to make money?

i am sure a lot of people can agree with what you and gareth are talking about and i'm not really here to generate an opinion.

it's called the music business for a reason. (busine$$).


my uncle has been playing the piano for 35 years... he has an old piano he got from a church in the 50's, for free, tuned it and fixed it himself... there is not a single day i have visited his house and he wasn't playing it. (everyday he plays this piano). he is the greatest pianist a have ever heard.

he has never made a penny off this "talent" ...he has never tried. ever!

he loves music and playing the piano but he doesn't care about the music industry.

my point is: not everyone is like this; a lot of people want to make money while doing something they like/love…or something that is just fun to them.

i'm sure you think there is a lot of terrible music out there that will never measure up to the classics... but there was also a lot of music back then that couldn't compete with, what is now considered the heralds of a revolution.