can't believe you ain't got no happy xmas thread!

Crack Hitler

Jul 26, 2002
so, here we go: happy christmas folks!

finally I got a chance and the time to visit here after awhile, and to my surprise there's no holiday spirit about. well then, let the celebrating begin. and remember kids, xmas ain't just about fancy presents. it's also about eating shitloads of greasy good stuff! :Spin:
I was saving it till later.hopefully it can be like the trenches in world war 1..all e-hostilities will cease and various enemies here can put aside their differences and meet in no mans land, kick a bit of a football around ,have a drink etc...I'll even let people who dont believe in god post in a christmas thread

tiny tim would have wanted it this way folks...but hes dead now

"All sights were fixed on one long figure trudging from their side
His truce flag, like a Christmas star, shone on that plain so bright
As he, bravely, strode unarmed into the night
Soon one by one on either side walked into No Man's Land
With neither gun nor bayonet we met there hand to hand"

Yeah I hate Christmas bah humbug and what not.

But.. for you lot..

I wish u a merry xmas I wish u a merry xmas I wish u a merry xmas and a happy new year!

ALL THE BEST from widnes lol. xxx

(sorry for the silly-looking face, my sister just caught me while reading here :lol: )
I would like to wish a merry christmas and everything nice to everyone, love you all :)
Crack Hitler said:
my christmas this year got a good kickstart thanks to irene. cheers for that, I was well taken by surprise :oops:

hihihi! :cool:
sorry, i'm a bit tipsy already.o_O bit too much appéritif ... not used to it :oops:

hope you'll all have lots of fun, and a good 2005! :hotjump:

right, back to the kitchen!:wave:
We're about to have a feast now. I'm not really in the mood - I can't stand these family dinners and shallow smalltalk, but I guess that's part of it. :Smug:
Thankfully I was allowed to turn off the radio (no need for Mariah Carey shrieking Christmas songs) and put on Simon & Garfunkel instead.

Happy holidays, peeps! Stuff yourselves, relax and enjoy!


Thanks to Caro, Jussi and Irene for your sweet Christmas greetings! :wave:
Feliz Navidad to everybody. Merry Xmas.

Dont get too piss, in my case it is not so gonna happen. I allways spend xmas eve and xmas with my grandma and my aunt( spinster) so it is so much fan. This is my first xmas with my family after 3 years. See how it goes.

At the moment i am traslating some stuff about Richard Lionheart for my cousin. I should have done it long time ago. Bit lazy.