Can't stop listening to Wuthering Heights - The Shadow Cabinet ...

Michael TEOF

Master Whorebot
Mar 4, 2002
Schaumburg, IL
This album is just what the doctor ordered - a nice mix of heavy power, progressive and folk. I love the way the songs change up and develop -- they cram an insane ammount of music into 5-8 minute songs. The songs are a little darker and heavier, less folky and no ballads this time... but the proggyness is served up in ample supply.

Wuthering Heights write the kind of music I would want to write if I ever started a band. I've been a fanboy for these whorebots since their debut in '99. They can do no wrong!

That all said, I still like Far from the Madding Crowd more... but that album is in my top 10 of all time.

I really hope Wuthering Heights come back again some year. Second to Angra at PP VI, they are probably my favorite Prog Power performance in the history of the festival.

The Michael
This is just a great album. Really heavier than previous efforts. Even though I love Far From The Madding Crowd, The Shadow Cabinet fits even better with me. It's a lot heavier, the lyrics are very good. The heavier sound serves them better with Neil Patrick's excellent job at vocals. All the guys in the band are very talented musicians and I hope they get the respect they deserve. Cheers to them, hoping the very best for the guys:kickass:
I was unsure how they would follow up Far From the Madding Crowd, as I consider that one of my favourite disks of all time. I've really ended up loving this album though, Erik Ravn is such a fantastic songwriter. And Nil's is sounding better than ever, his voice fits so perfectly with the music.
It's a great album for sure, made my top ten of 2006. But it doesn't hold up against FFTMC, one of the greatest albums in metal history. I just felt Shadow Cabinet was too one-dimensional (in the power category) and could have used more folk/acoustic elements. Erik Ravn is brilliant in whatever he writes, but I'd like to see them get back to a more diverse sound on the next record.
Has anyone had a problem with the bonus disc? Mine had a giant crack in it. I wonder if I got the lone manufacturer defect or if there are more out there...
DemonOfTheWoods - if you (or anyone else) received a cracked bonus disc than please email me at We can easily arrange for a replacement disc.

Ken Golden
The Laser's Edge
The Laser's Edge, LLC

I actually bought my copy from the music store I work in, I can get it replaced there. I do appreciate the offer, always good to look out for your customers.

I cant wait any longer to hear this bonus disc. I love the new CD, but I must relive my experience from PPV!!!!!
I hate the vocals

Did you like the vocals on Far From the Madding Crowd? If so, what is your reasoning for not liking the vocals on the new album, because the band's vocalist has not changed since then.
Most of us on the forum don't expect everyone to like everything, but if you are going to say you don't like something, at least have the courtesy to say why. That way, others with similar musical tastes as you will know what to expect from the album/band/etc. I understand that some people on here don't care that much, but it's hard to take someone's opinion seriously when they don't give anything viable to back it up with. [No disrespect intended, just being honest.]

I personally don't like the Shadow Cabinet nearly as much as Far From the Madding Crowd, but I think it's a good album. Although, I'm sure with another listen or two my enthusiasm for the album may increase. And you will certainly get no argument from me about bringing Wuthering Heights back to ProgPower. Those guys were visibly a favorite at PP V and it would be awesome to see them in that kind of setting again! :rock:
Did you like the vocals on Far From the Madding Crowd? If so, what is your reasoning for not liking the vocals on the new album, because the band's vocalist has not changed since then.
Most of us on the forum don't expect everyone to like everything, but if you are going to say you don't like something, at least have the courtesy to say why. That way, others with similar musical tastes as you will know what to expect from the album/band/etc. I understand that some people on here don't care that much, but it's hard to take someone's opinion seriously when they don't give anything viable to back it up with. [No disrespect intended, just being honest.]

I'd never heard the band before getting "The Shadow Cabinet"...i saw some mention of the second coming of RJD and thought i'd give it a go.....
Its hard to explain why certain vocalists appeal to you and why others don't.
NPJ has a powerful voice, no pitch problems, decent range....on paper thats good.....but i don't like the result.

I dunno...maybe i don't like the sounds produced by the resonance of his vocal tract when he lowers his that specific enough?? :)

Its much easier to give reasons why you like a singer than why you don't...i gave more positive comments about him above than negative...but i still hate the vocals....
It's a great album for sure, made my top ten of 2006. But it doesn't hold up against FFTMC, one of the greatest albums in metal history. I just felt Shadow Cabinet was too one-dimensional (in the power category) and could have used more folk/acoustic elements. Erik Ravn is brilliant in whatever he writes, but I'd like to see them get back to a more diverse sound on the next record.

I haven't heard any of it yet, but your description makes me think this is almost a carbon copy of Astral Doors rather than previous WH efforts. Does that sound accurate?
It's officially a 2007 release, BTW.
I haven't heard any of it yet, but your description makes me think this is almost a carbon copy of Astral Doors rather than previous WH efforts. Does that sound accurate?
It's officially a 2007 release, BTW.

Magius - granted I am a known Wuthering Heights mark, but the description you are referring to is definitely off. No disrespect to T-SO, but one-dimensional is not a fair critique of this release in my opinion. I think the range is fantastic. I mean, this album even contains a song with Viking elements (The Raven)! There may not be a typical 'ballad' style folk music song, but there are places where the album changes gears and slows a little, showing off the acoustic folk element that we know and expect from Wuthering Heights.

Let me say also that the song Envy has been the one I have least gotten into - at least until I let it play through a few days ago. Then something finally snapped inside my thought process and I finally got it! There is so much going on in this song alone, an entire album could be written from the concept. It is simply amazing! And yet another reason why The Shadow Cabinet is my choice for metal album of the year 2007.


oh, and I've heard Astral Doors and must agree that it is definitely one-dimensional. :Smug:
I haven't heard any of it yet, but your description makes me think this is almost a carbon copy of Astral Doors rather than previous WH efforts. Does that sound accurate?
No, that's not accurate. Astral Doors is a much more straight forward metal band and is truly one-dimensional. WH's Shadow Cabinet just "sounds" one-dimensional to me when compared to Far From the Madding Crowd. But their progginess sets them far above Astral Doors in the creativity department.

Like Theli said, Shadow Cabinet has moments of the folk/acoustical, but they are so brief and far between that I can hardly acknowledge them. To my ears, it's a much more standard power metal approach, with strong prog leanings in the song structures (but not really the sound). The songwriting is still killer though. If you're heavy into the prog/power genre, I'd still highly recommend this.