can't we just have some stupid fun?

Bodomania said:
RECTAL ISSUES...'Entry #1'


As reported in "The Emergency Room" of The American Medical News (April 1991) Medical researchers, tabulating cases in which items were recovered from the
rectums of patients, reported 700 items from 200 patients, including:
1. a live, shaved, declawed gerbil
2. a bottle of Mrs. Butterworth's syrup
3. an ax handle
4. a 9 inch zucchini
5. a 14 inch vibrator with two D cell batteries
6. a plastic spatula
7. a 9 1/2 inch water bottle
8. a Coke bottle
9. a 3 1/2 inch Japanese float ball
10. an 11 inch carrot
11. an antenna rod
12. a 150 watt light bulb
13. a screwdriver
14. four rubber balls
15. jeweler's saws (all from the same patient; 29 at one time)
16. a paperweight
17. an apple
18. an onion
19. a plastic toothbrush package
20. a frozen pig's tail (which got stuck after it was thawed)
21. a 10 inch length of broomstick
22. an 18 inch umbrella handle
23. a banana encased in a condom
24. Vaseline jars
25. a whisky bottle with a cord attached
26. a teacup
27. an oil can
28. a 6 inch by 5 inch tool box weighing 22 ounces
29. a 6 inch stone weighing two pounds
30. a baby powder can
31. a test tube
32. a ballpoint pen
33. a peanut butter jar
34. a flashlight
35. a turnip
36. a pair of eyeglasses
37. a hard-boiled egg
38. several tumblers and glasses
39. a file
40. a polyethylene waste trap from the U bend of a sink
41. a Carborundum grindstone with handle

EagleFlyFree said:
hehe i did... what the hell is all that!

people getting offended by some breasts on a snow woman... society is decaying in every conceivable sense :-/

the two women destroying the snow dick citing something about male dominance makes me want to puke
thebigyetti said:
RECTAL ISSUES...'Entry #1'
As reported in "The Emergency Room" of The American Medical News (April 1991) Medical researchers, tabulating cases in which items were recovered from the
rectums of patients, reported 700 items from 200 patients, including:
1. a live, shaved, declawed gerbil
2. a bottle of Mrs. Butterworth's syrup
3. an ax handle
As i'm french, maybe I don't understand the sentence, but how do they report 700 items from ONLY 200 patients ?​
Do the patients have more than 3 objects in their rectum ? :zombie:​