Car Question (Catalytic converter)


Oct 20, 2006
Oregon Coast
So I'm getting ready to go to california for a month which will involve an approximate 1,400 mile (2 253.0816 km) round trip, so I took my car in for a check up (check engine light was on). Apparently my Catalytic converter is fucked up, and if the Federal emissions warranty doesnt cover it, it's going to cost me like 500 or 600 bux, which I don't have.

I'm googling like mad, but as most of you know, the Sneap Forum is the best place for wisdom this side of the Universe. So far it looks like the Catalytic Converter is mostly responsible for emissions issues, so I'm wondering how this can be a life or death issue for my car like the dude is making it sound. If I can't afford to get this fixed right away will I kill my car driving it? Or will I just fail a smog check? I know zero about cars, and this mechanic dude probably knows this.
1. Yes, cat converters are expensive, but get more than one quote to make sure you're not being taken for a ride.
2. You will fail a smog check if it is in really bad nick
3. I don't know what emission standards there are in the US so can't comment on all builds, years and models, though IIRC many modern vehicles will monitor emissions at some point and feed the info back to the computer and make adjustments from there to the fuel delivery/ mixture. If your cat is in need of replacement it will probably make the car run like crap. Not 100% sure if that can cause long term damage though.
First thing i did when i got my truck was rip it out, but that was back when i was livin in a town without emission standards tests so i had to keep my insurance records as saying i still lived with my folks cuz it failed the emmision tests about as bad as you can.

the catylatic converter basically burns off some off the shit and makes the exhaust cleaner, you can cut it out an weld in a straight pipe youll problly get about 2% more horsepower. it wont do any damage to your vehicle.

not sure what the emmision laws are where you live but theres a good chance your vehicle wont pass without it unless you do a bit off work to get it running clean(such as filling up with premium and driving for an hour or 2 on the highway before going in for the test), but most places only test once every 2 years.
To bad you don't know that much about cars, a couple cars ago I put one on myself and it ended up costing me $270 since I didn't have to hire someone at $60-80 an hour. It was kind of a pain in the ass job, IIRC there was at least 3-4 hoses hooked up to it as well as the damn pipe (also had to be replaced, but that only ran me $40 for the part).

I had another car where the stupid flange that connects the fucker to the manifold pipe rusted out, but there was nothing functionally wrong with the CC, so I took a muffler clamp and welded 2 heavy duty washers to it and connected it that way. Worked great and didn't have any issues after that.
I'd say as long as it's not overly clogged up and the engine isn't bucking or sputtering or anything, there's probably adequate airflow going through the cat (to the tailpipe), so IMO/IME the only reason to pay $500 at present is if you have an impending inspection (and don't know a service station that can fudge it for you ;)) or if you just really really care about being green :goggly:
Thanks guys! After a few hours of research last night (Yes Marcus I did read that article, btw, but thanks all the same, bro!) and talking to the mechanic dude who said he can get one for me for three-hundred-something with a 50,000 mile warranty I came to the conclusion that it would probably be best to bite the bullet now and have it replaced.

I have been noticing a decrease in my mpg but I figured I needed a tune up or something. It took nearly a whole tank of gas to get to Portland and back (horrible for a Toyota Matrix) last weekend, so I probably wouldn't have much time before I had major issues. I considered the bypass thing, but it's illegal here, and from what I've read it would result in perma-check-engine-light syndrome, which I definitely don't want. Maybe theres a way to fool the computer into thinking the cat is still there, I dunno, but I'd rather not play around with it. Plus I'd feel kinda guilty dumping unecessary shit into the air just to save some money, haha.
Damn that much for a converter on a Matrix? Too bad you don't know someone that can weld, you could just buy a $50 universal cat and stick it on there. Did you try going to a custom exhaust place? usually they are cheaper than standard auto repair places, and they will do hack jobs for you instead of buying a pipe/flanged/converter combo.

And yes, I think the Matrix has a before and after O2 sensors on the cat, so with it being fucked up it will hurt your fuel economy, especially if it's all clogged up.
have you tried local scrapyards on wrote off cars? you might find one cheap that you can haggle off the scrapyard owner. thats what most people do in ireland instead of paying full prices
I drove a Civic for 4 years without a cat. I honestly didn't even know it wasn't there, hahaha, the owner before me put a performance exhaust on the car and stripped off the cat while he was at it.