Car selling question. Could use some advice.

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Viking Bastard
Jun 3, 2005
Houston, TX
For the last few years I've had the worst car on the planet. A 97 Saturn SL. When I first got it, it was so bad you had to put it in neutral and gas it anytime you stopped.

Over the years, I've replaced a lot of things in it. New fuel pump, new battery, new fan, new spark plugs. I think a new alternator. It's died at the worst possible times, it's noisy, the fucking Mexicans that "fixed" it three times now have it running with a start button going with the key, except now it simply doesn't run anymore.

It took a friend 30 minutes to jump start it the other day, and a few days later it's already dead again. Doesn't even try to start.

I'm already in debt with my grandmother for getting it running, I refuse to put anymore money in it. Those Mexicans who own the little shop down the street would probably buy it, but I hear Carmax is supposed to pay bluebook price, no?

My question is, suppose I had it jumped right away, and it appears to start, and I sold it to Carmax. If it gave them the same problems and quit running the next day, would I be in the clear? Would they even take a car that takes seconds to start using a combination of the gas pedal, ignition, and button?

Any advice at all is welcomed. I can't deal with this thing anymore.
You can try carmax whats the KBB value, 2,000? If it fails, which it might, you can do the cash for clunkers, which literally might be the next best bet after carmax. All that's left is:

Trade it in at a dealer to go towards a newer car. Or, you can total it and get a check from your insurance. Scrap it for parts, or sell it to someone who's retarded.

I'm sorry your family situation didn't really help you start off on the right foot with a first car. I got a 2002 Jeep grand cherokee back in 06, had for 5 years, put 50,000 miles on it, then last week i got hit by a propane truck. The KBB value was $2,500, i got over $8,000 from state farm for a total loss. So the ''Total it" was and was not a joke. Your top three should be carmax, cash for clunkers get an estimate, and trading it in. Look for something CERTIFIED USED with a clean carfax report. If it's a little pricey, just take a loan out on it, and pay it off by the month. You'll build credit and hopefully have a found a good car.
I didn't think Cash for Clunkers was still around, thanks man.

I'm hoping to get enough to find me something half ass decent. I spent my childhood life riding metro busses and I'll sooner shoot myself before living like that again to get to work.
Sounds like the alternator is bad. Replace it, then sell it. Many people will sell a car as-is condition when they could spend say $200 and make $700 more because it is in running condition. If you are trading it in, don't know how much of an impact that will have, but if you are selling it private party, repair that shit first, and you will make more monay off the sale. Plus people will use the disrepair as an excuse to jew you down more.
Well...I charged it to take it to Carmax. Caught fire and started smoking.

I guess I'll have to accept Cash for Clunkers offer of $325. I'm so frustrated right now I punched a hole through the wall.
What it really depends on is if you want cash for it now or later. If you can wait to get the cash for it, I'd say donate it and write it off next year on your taxes (and get the money on your return in 2012). You'll be able to take off the full KBB value of it. Keep in mind that you might not actually get $2k back on it (depending on what your income is, how much allowances are deducted for taxes, blah blah blah) but it is probably the best way to go in terms of getting value for the car. There are plenty of places that will take a car as a donation no matter what the condition is.
I really need it now. I figure in year I won't have a place to call home. I know I'm not going to get shit for my income tax either. I claimed myself as a dependent and I'm not sure if the tip share system even counts

My mom even warned me I might end up owning money. How the fuck could I possibly owe money?

I am so fucked and afraid right now. Public busses are social anxiety suicide.
Donating it only acts as a deduction so you're not guaranteed to get the money. I donated one about 3 years ago. They sold it at auction and sent me a receipt for that amount to deduct. I think they guarantee $500 and not Blue Book value for donations.