Cara sucks on 4 Swedish cars at the same time!

and when you order a car from them, (at least here), you can choose almost every single specification, inside and out and basically build it yourself (in a figure of speech), and they'll build it just how you specified. mmm, leather seats.
Swedish cars are just right... not too sweet, not too sour, not too soft, with a fun texture (its fun to play with it in your mouth)
its fun to chew, its fun to suck on it, its just FUN!
Im very addicted to this candy.
Dead_Lioness said:
Swedish cars are just right... not too sweet, not too sour, not too soft, with a fun texture (its fun to play with it in your mouth)
its fun to chew, its fun to suck on it, its just FUN!
Im very addicted to this candy.
Uhm... that's what _she_ said... heh.

Anyways, Volvos suck in the states, because Ford owns them, and pays 0 attention to their quality control.

Same with Saabs, as GM owns them

Be glad you euro peoples, you've still got Opels and Vauxhalls, and all that other shit.

And Carlsberg is much bigger over there, and you don't have to fuckin' find it in only _some_ grocery stores.

And hockey kicks fucking ass! Go Henrik Lundquist and Frölunda!
Forsberg and Sundin too. Even if Sundin plays in a canadian team. ^^

Bah, I've tried american beer. If I would try and be honest, then your beer is WEAK! it tastes like water! :D
Karmic said:
Forsberg and Sundin too. Even if Sundin plays in a canadian team. ^^

Bah, I've tried american beer. If I would try and be honest, then your beer is WEAK! it tastes like water! :D

Thats because the only beer you can get in sweden is the worst american beer ever.
imported American beer SUCKS

the micro breweries, however, are very good! trust me Karmic