Carcassian hates black metal, right? WRONG!


I would put Grimace's humpage post in my signature but I don't think I'm ready to give up my previous one.. which oddly enough is also by Grimace. =/
Entropiastrife said:
holy mother of fuck, teh grimarse and dodens grey have to confirm the worst stereotypes of metalheads- stupidity, lack of ability to appreciate higher musical form, extreme homophoebia brought on by insecurity with sexuality

If you think jesus didn't exist you might as well throw out all ancient history then. However, I doubt either of you are very well educated at all. There are shit loads of historical evidence that he did exist. Is there evidence that he was nothing more than a crazy/manipulative every day human cult leader that had a few myths that got way out of hand added on to his story? Nope. But there is just as much evidense that a human figure known as jesus did exist as there is evidense that alexander the great existed. I am as atheist as they come, but I am also not a fucking retard like you guys. OMG JESUS DIDNT EXIST EVEN THOUGH I HAVE NO EVIDENSE TO CONFIRM NOR DENY THIS, I AM TEH BLACK WIZARD

Well I am something of an expert in the study of ancient history and I would like for you my friend to provide me with one primary source that supports the existence of Jesus that is free of interpolation that mentions him and isn't biased (i.e. a Christian document).

So please fetch me a neutral document from between Jesus’ birth and I will be kind and say 150 years after his death that proves his existence.

P.S Augustus Caesar visited the body of Alexander the great as did many other people before Christian fuckwits burnt the library of Alexandria and probably Alexander's body. I can go to the Mausoleum of Augustus and dig up what remains of his body (not much I would imagine) thus proving that someone who say Alexander's body existed. Not to mention the primary sources that exists from when Alexander was alive, or the FUCKING EFFECT HE HAD ON THE WORLD AND ALL THE PLACES HE RENAMED.

So yes there is a big fucking difference between the proof that Alexander the great existed and the "proof" that Jesus Christ existed. Flavius Josephus work is heavily suspected of being interpolated and the rest is all pretty vague.

So, you have the gall to call other people ignorant when you yourself obviously have no idea in what you talk about. I am not saying Jesus didn’t exist, I myself am unsure but it is not obvious and to compare his existence to someone who actually had an affect on the world that he lived in (unlike Jesus) shows you to be a bit of a tool.
petehis kahn said:
Well I am something of an expert in the study of ancient history and I would like for you my friend to provide me with one primary source that supports the existence of Jesus that is free of interpolation that mentions him and isn't biased (i.e. a Christian document).

So please fetch me a neutral document from between Jesus’ birth and I will be kind and say 150 years after his death that proves his existence.

P.S Augustus Caesar visited the body of Alexander the great as did many other people before Christian fuckwits burnt the library of Alexandria and probably Alexander's body. I can go to the Mausoleum of Augustus and dig up what remains of his body (not much I would imagine) thus proving that someone who say Alexander's body existed. Not to mention the primary sources that exists from when Alexander was alive, or the FUCKING EFFECT HE HAD ON THE WORLD AND ALL THE PLACES HE RENAMED.

So yes there is a big fucking difference between the proof that Alexander the great existed and the "proof" that Jesus Christ existed. Flavius Josephus work is heavily suspected of being interpolated and the rest is all pretty vague.

So, you have the gall to call other people ignorant when you yourself obviously have no idea in what you talk about. I am not saying Jesus didn’t exist, I myself am unsure but it is not obvious and to compare his existence to someone who actually had an affect on the world that he lived in (unlike Jesus) shows you to be a bit of a tool.

I love these posts.

There's more philosophers, ancient history experts and trained musicians on this forum than you can shake a shitty stick at.
Carcassian said:
:lol: :worship: :ill: :cry: :Smokin: :kickass: :headbang:

Except, Paddy (whom I love, but not in a gay way), that London is a fucking sewer full of Romanian thieves.:kickass:
IT FULL OF ALL SORTS BUT IF THEY LEAVE PADDY ALONE THEN PADDY IS HAPPY WITH HIS METAL MUSIC AND HIS BEER :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
Blodsmert said:
I love these posts.

There's more philosophers, ancient history experts and trained musicians on this forum than you can shake a shitty stick at.

+1 my man.

Anyone that self professes to be an "expert" on anything most probably isn't.
i think teh paddyness has rubbed off on you a bit too roughly.

and don't even think about replacing the word paddyness with the word ugliness in your next post.
Why the fuck have I all of a sudden gained a reputation? 5 months ago I was still pretty much unknown, now everyone has strong opinions of me. I should go on a hiatus until people don't remember me.