So, let's say I've been offered a job that has more pay, less stress, and is a work from home position. The only downside is that it's in an industry that means nothing to me, instead of being involved in music gear, which, even with all the whacked out problems, I do enjoy quite a bit. Would I be a fool to turn it down?
I already left said wooing industry once (twice if you count the layoff in 2008 ), and never really liked it, but the work is easy and the pay is much better than insane broke-ass music industry dollerz. And actually I'm already moonlighting there anyhow, working 4 to 8 hours per week at night just for extra cash.
Career change stories appreciated ITT. Or just discuss + complain about your job, whatever. Random Judas Priest videos would also be fine. Maybe lurch will even chime in, isn't he a realtor now?
I already left said wooing industry once (twice if you count the layoff in 2008 ), and never really liked it, but the work is easy and the pay is much better than insane broke-ass music industry dollerz. And actually I'm already moonlighting there anyhow, working 4 to 8 hours per week at night just for extra cash.
Career change stories appreciated ITT. Or just discuss + complain about your job, whatever. Random Judas Priest videos would also be fine. Maybe lurch will even chime in, isn't he a realtor now?