Carne Con 2009 - Official Thread

Finalized details:

-Saturday, June 27th, 2009
-8 PM to whenever
-My backyard here in Irving, Tejas

Send me your address if you want an invitation mailed to you, whether you can make it or not. Got Mah's, got David's somewheres. Everyone else, hop to it!

I think you already have my address Trebek.
Yus! Finally finished the invitation and I'm actually happy with how the design turned out. Now I only hope my little printer can handle it :/
And it's only sold within a 44 square mile radius of Dublin, TX it seems! I could have it shipped, but where's the fun in that?

Dr. Pepper is already the soda of the gods.
I'm sure cane sugar'd Dr. Pepper tastes better than an angel's pussy juice.
Bring your swim suits, for I has boughts one of these:


Figure it will at least be suitable for people to sit on the edge of and cool their feets, but if anyone actually wants to sit in it, then ok. Did I mention the pool will have a light show?
Hahaaa, fat people in pools. Even if I come, I am not ripping off clothing and jumping in, sorry. ;) Feets only.
Very well then :p

Time to put together the menu! I think it's safe to say these things will definitely be served, and I shall be adding to the list as we confirm more items.

-Pork butt (pulled pork)
-Teriyaki steak strips on skewers
-Bacon, lots of bacon

-Garlic potato wedges
-Fried okra
-Veggie tray with carrots and celery and crap

-PBR. Shall be the main beer we buy this year since it was so popular amongst guests last year muwahaha.
-Something a little fancier, perhaps Dogfish Head, but a limited quantity!
-Vodka, brand undetermined, with fixins like cranberry juice and tonic water.
-Cap'n Morgan, and there shall at least be Coke to mix with.
-Jagermeister, to go with Red Bull or whatever you dare mix it with.
If the Captain can come, he'll have scotch, but in limited quantities, and might not share with many depending on numbers attending and what he buys. Don't be afraid to ask, regardless.