Catamenia and mourning beloveth for 04?

Dec 11, 2002
Herts UK
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I think this is worthy of a thread of its own \m/

Seeing as bloodstock normally has a couple of more extreme lesser known bands on the second stage, how about get Catamenia from Finland? If you dont know em, they have released 5 albums now each album has been great and recived great reviews, their latest album 'Chaosborn' is about the pinnical of melodic bm with out falling into any of the crappy over used keyboard / gothic wank / lack of decent METAL sound trap that shite like dimmu falls into with each album! They would be perfect for the second stage, and it would be a great oppertunity to give them some exposure in the uk!

Also, people keep asking for doom here, so how about Irelands 'Mourning beloveth', fantastic doom/death band in the vein of old anathema / MDB but with there own style too, they have two excellent albums out and would be perfect second stage stuff!
Unless of course the organisers had to pay MB drinking bill then it would be very expensive. Mourning Beloveth are an amazing live band. It would be great to see them at Bloodstock. The clean vocals they have would put any of the power metal bands there to shame.