Cathedral's "Forest of Equilibrium". . .

. . . is fucking TERRIBLE!

And some people call this a "classic" doom release! A classic piece of shit. . .

The songs are way too fucking long, Lee Dorrian growls the lyrics at about a word every two minutes, the chord progressions are predictable (and the chords change about every 5 minutes), and the music just drags on and on and on. . . after a while, I was begging for it to end. There are no redeeming qualities to this music. I haven't even bothered with the lyrics.

In short: it sucks. Listen to Candlemass or Solitude Aeturnus instead.

Hell, I'll take Cathedral's stoner-rock "Caravan Beyond Redemption" over this pile of poo.

If you like this music, please elaborate as to why!

I'm out like Jack Frost from Savatage.
Later, ;)
ahahahhaha. YOu should listen to the DEMO hahahahahaha
Its slower.

I love the cd. I love the doom stuff better than their stoner.
Carnival Beyond Redemption is a good one. I like them all.
Lee is a GOD.

You should try their newie. ITs doom, but not slow, at times its upbeat.

You should think about this......Just before Lee got Cathedral going, he was in NAPALM DEATH thats some growly shit hahaha
I ment CARAVAN beyond Redemption, not CARNIVAL...hahaha

2 cd's before CARAVAN was CARNIVAL BIZZAR.

I must say, the guitars could have done more on the 1st release, and really more on the demo.
The reissue of the demo has these live tracks on it, now those versions of the songs really do suck.

One of the cool things about Cathedral going back to doom is, they have a new drummer and bass player since the earliest releases, so those 2 guys i think must have mixed it all up a bit, and made it better.

SOme of the older songs are over 20 minutes. See if you can DL "Voyage of the Homeless Sapien". Its a mixture of many styles and hits in at over 20 min.

And yes, I liked NApalm Death a lot in those days.

Death Metal isnt bad at all with the proper mix of things. I am a newie when it comes to BLACK though. I have DragonLord(which seems to be watered down compared to other black bands), and a lot of black on samplers, but thats it.
Black metal bands you MUST check out!!!! ;)

Immortal - fast, heavy, spare use of keyboards
Dimmu Borgir - sometimes called "pop" BM; heavy use of keyboards and melodic hooks
Dissection - melodic death/black; inspired many
Mayhem - "classic" BM; now with a more modern approach
Satyricon - see Mayhem, although more use of keyboards
Darkthrone - heavy, raw, and evil!
Dark Funeral - fast, thrashy BM
Emperor - THE black metal band of the past decade; heavy use of keyboards
Old Man's Child - see Dimmu Borgir

I left out a ton, but if you're new to the genre, I'd suggest going with Dimmu Borgir first - and work your way up to Darkthrone.

If you need any suggestions, I'm on AIM!!! BlackWinterDay13 (I fucked up in my sig. . . arrgh, need to change it!)

Later, ;)

Emporor have called it quits havnt they?

I have been meaning to get some Immortal, those goofy lookin guys hahahaha.

I have some Dimmu on samplers..not too bad. I have cradle, too. But you know, one song just doesnt show you much.

I will check into some of those bands a bit more in depth..thanks for the hints.
The timing is a bit out, but the ideas are flowing, and constructing is great...

GREAT NASA, band...
Yes True Light and I are BIG fans of Cathedral. \

Personly, I have all their releases includeing EP'S, anD THE DEMO.

Hey..thanks for that link.
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