Catholic Priest Denounces the Holocaust

That's one priest's voice among the hundreds of thousands

One priest (with the exception of the pope) does not speak for the whole religion
That's like saying bin Laden speaks for all Islam.

But yes, that priest is a fucking moron.
You are! :p That priest sounds like a neo nazi to me, they deny all of that happened.
the thing is whilst it was happening the pope didn't really raise an eyebrow so they don't want to show themselves up.
Greg, I'm just being picky here but if he had denounced it, it means he thinks it was evil and shouldn't of been done, which is nothing new really.

But if he's denying it ever happened then is he on drugs or something? Is he alright in the head? Is he safe to be near children? :lol: What an idiot.
Greg, I'm just being picky here but if he had denounced it, it means he thinks it was evil and shouldn't of been done, which is nothing new really.

But if he's denying it ever happened then is he on drugs or something? Is he alright in the head? Is he safe to be near children? :lol: What an idiot.

My english is shit haha, yeah it should be denied not denounce
yeah he is an idiot cause I've been to Auschwitz, I've been inside the gas chambers and I've seen the Jewish bloodstains on the walls there.
This is nothing new. I read a lot into allof this last year and its all very pathetic. A lot of people who believe it didnt happen are Neo Nazis, so if you read on their forums you can see how gullable they are.

On one they posted a picture of a swimming pool on a LABOUR camp (not a death camp) and it was in the guards quaters. And they called it a holiday camp because of this. The captives would not have even been able to get to this pool without being killed.

Theres loads on it on youtube. It makes me laugh with how fake it all is. Its a bit like 9/11 conspiracy stuff. people who believe that stuff need to grow up. It looks like this guys been sat on youtube...