cattle decapitation

Very generic musically but the vocalist does sound killer.

Carcass is great and timeless.
It's kinda cool that they're one of the few bands who still tunes to E, but I never cared for them, and the drumming was unbearable when I saw them. It's no wonder they cut and paste drum tracks in the studio.
Ive heard of them and I dont get it? What does what you eat have to do with your music. Its cool that they are too pussy to eat meat, but if thats their main message they are wasting their time. I just at a plate of manicotti with ground beef, lots of beef, and it was good.
BlackMetalTyrant said:
Ive heard of them and I dont get it? What does what you eat have to do with your music. Its cool that they are too pussy to eat meat, but if thats their main message they are wasting their time. I just at a plate of manicotti with ground beef, lots of beef, and it was good.

vegetarians don't get enough protein -> vegetarians can't play guitar

it's not difficult
But still, come on, no meat, cheese or anything that comes from an animal, thats just not healthy. You can live being a vegan of course, but you won't be a strong healthy person.