cattle decapitation

BlackMetalTyrant said:
But still, come on, no meat, cheese or anything that comes from an animal, thats just not healthy. You can live being a vegan of course, but you won't be a strong healthy person.

A vegan diet is infanately healthier then eating multiple fast food sandwiches. There are plenty of alternative sources for protien and most vegatarians/vegans make sure they get them. For example eating a combination of rice and beans fufills a lot of the major protiens found in meat. The protiens that are hardest to replace are the ones found in fish, and this is the meat least often ate by most Americans anyways.
crimsonfloyd said:
A vegan diet is infanately healthier then eating multiple fast food sandwiches. There are plenty of alternative sources for protien and most vegatarians/vegans make sure they get them. For example eating a combination of rice and beans fufills a lot of the major protiens found in meat. The protiens that are hardest to replace are the ones found in fish, and this is the meat least often ate by most Americans anyways.

True, but for what Im doing, I have to eat lots of meat. Im trying to get Large muscle mass, to get that you have to eat some meat, Im not saying you have to eat BigMacs and Whoppers all day, but if you lift weights like I do natural protiens found in meat are essential to building size. My goal is to Bench 315 by the end of year, find someone that strong that is a vegan and got that way a vegan, I doubt you will be able to.
crimsonfloyd said:
It could probably be done with protien supliments. But either way get your meat from a better source then Fast Food. Seriously that stuff is horrible for you.

I eat fast food because I need something quick on lunchbreaks from work, and it cant be done with protien supliments, because the keyword is SUPLIMENTS, they are supposed to supliment a diet, if you are trying to gain mass, Protien is the way to go, but supliments just help. Believe me, before I put your bitch ass in a headlock :D