Cave in, Isis, Sigur Ros

pagan2002 said:
nice to see some people who don't actuall think MDB or moonspell are like, the best.

Hehe yep :Spin:
I always find very frustrating that because of some "labels", Anathema is kept away from a scene to which they belong since Alternative 4 : I mean space-emo-rock (emo in the sense of emotion, not pop/punk crap)

What I like precisely is that Anathema don't think about their category, and don't stick to one style and its gimmick. Sigur Ros and Godspeed You.. are great, but it's always the same thing album after album. Anathema is much richer and borrows as well to 70's prog & modern rock.

Dredg "El Cielo" intends to do that as well, but it's a bit too "smooth" for me.
Devin Townsend is another god, would like to see Anathema produced by this guy. :worship:
pagan2002 said:
nice to see some people who don't actuall think MDB or moonspell are like, the best.
I like both, I love MDB but I expected more from the Sziget concert, it was like... hmm, it didn't affect me... okay now I'm not in that mood at all
ikeaboy said:
Godspeed You Black Emperor - Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas To Heaven :)
btw, anathema played godspeed's the dead flag blues (from f#a#ad infinitum) before their show:worship:

sigur ros is not that scary, but very emotional though... their debut Von is scary, especially the opening track named Sigur Ros

isis and neurosis are great monsters... especially the neurosis/jarboe collaboration... oceanic kix ass big time (anyone heard the oceanic remixes? very very good ones)

mogwai - songs for happy people is very nice1...

*for fans of isis and mogwai: check out Envy - A Dead Sinking Story! you will be surprised how good this mix can be...

*for fans of Cave In: check out The Mars Volta - De-loused In Comatorium, a great one. lots od weird sounds and moods (a la Radiohead on lsd or sth)

dredg - el cielo is really a good album. all its lyrics are about this guy's dreams, and it's very weird but interesting.

jee, i'm glad that all these good bands are gathered in this thread.
actually i asked him about this, both godspeed and sigur ros, and he told me that he doesn't know them; that vinnie is more into this 'new' stuff (music in general)

but i think danny would like the mars volta and dredg if he gave them a try
Sigur Ros aren't scary at all you bunch of shit bags....tsk tsk
Check out their earlier stuff like the Von album. People keep banging on about Untitled, it is fantastic but it completely shadows their other work. In fact the untitled album is starting to remind me of those bastard american semi stars who have just enough money to be part of some classy cult and listen to new age music. bunch of wankers.

(and if you like a bit of drum n bass check out Von (recycled) album, remixes are superb :D )
blackeyed said:
Sigur Ros aren't scary at all you bunch of shit bags....tsk tsk
Check out their earlier stuff like the Von album. People keep banging on about Untitled, it is fantastic but it completely shadows their other work. In fact the untitled album is starting to remind me of those bastard american semi stars who have just enough money to be part of some classy cult and listen to new age music. bunch of wankers.

(and if you like a bit of drum n bass check out Von (recycled) album, remixes are superb :D )
chill out man
they just do their own thing

i have only heard Leif Ad Lifi from the recycled Von (remixed by sigur ros themselves), it's very good.. and i will get the whole album soon.. interesed in alec empire's interpretation (if there is one.. or is it mogwai - kicking a dead pig?)
if you like dn'b and stuff, go check out isis-oceanic remixes vol.1 & 2
discouraged, i wasn't getting irate, thats just the sort of thing i say when i'm calm but have a point to make :D
i know they are doing their own thing, i actually really love () but theres more to them than that, thats all i was tryin to say - maybe got a bit carried away, im a paaionate person lol.
but yeh leif et lifi is indeed a class track infact its one of my definate favorites.
i'll have a search for the stuff you mentioned when i get my comp sorted so cheers for the info mate.
no respect or understanding there for anyone with opeth in their avatar :erk: i wonder if sigur ros listen to them, i doubt it very much now
Oceana said:
yeah those isis remixes sound good... check pelican, it sounds like neurosis-isis but without vocals
yeah, i know them. i have australasia, very good one. thanx for reminding me, i'll have a listen again;)
if you like instrumentals (w/out vocals), check out Lanterna.
Elm Street or Sands, both are pretty good.
*but there are no distortions, just pretty long delays, big reverbs and choruses... nice clean&acoustic guitars w/ drums&bass here and there*