CD Inzane


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Mar 29, 2003
I just wanted to plug a new friend of mine and a vendor at several past ProgPower festivals. Zane at cdinzane ( is an awesome guy that has gone above and beyond for myself personally. I didn't know this guy that long and he has come through in an unbelievable way when he didn't have to. I highly recommend his site as he has everything you could want in the power/ prog genres. Check out his siye if you can and be sure to shake this mans hand at ProgPower and get to know him. He's a great guy and someone who will help you with every bit of strngth!
The_Q said:
I just wanted to plug a new friend of mine and a vendor at several past ProgPower festivals. Zane at cdinzane ( is an awesome guy that has gone above and beyond for myself personally. I didn't know this guy that long and he has come through in an unbelievable way when he didn't have to. I highly recommend his site as he has everything you could want in the power/ prog genres. Check out his siye if you can and be sure to shake this mans hand at ProgPower and get to know him. He's a great guy and someone who will help you with every bit of strngth!

I won a CD from Ebay from CD Inzane a few months ago. Ended up talking with the guy for close to an hour.... I'm looking forward to meeting him at PP.

Funny how I live maybe 30 minutes from his location, but am traveling across the country before I get to meet him!
