CD storage units

FYI - unless it is marketing stuff - the free ship ends in a day or so.

Bah, humbug. :)

Regarding free shipping, I've considered getting media storage from DeepDiscount since they always ship for free. Their free shipping on CDs and DVDs has always been awesome (and fast), but I was surprised they shipped media storage for free since they're so much heavier and bulky.

(Aside from The End and Laser's Edge and such, DeepDiscount is my next online source for CDs and DVDs.)


This is what we have at the house. It's about 6 years old, holds about 1000 and is very sturdy. I wish I could remember where I got it, I would like to buy another one just like it. Very unusual design, at least to me. I have never seen one like it. The sides are solid wood, the cross braces on top and bottom and the individual shelf slats are solid wood too. The shelves rest on silver pins so they are adjustable for DVDs etc. We added metal cross bracing to the back for security after this unit had been moved several times over the years.
Pa is in the process of building me a new system. If I had it to do again though, I would buy 2 or 3 smaller units and allow more room for growth. As it is now, we have hundreds on the floor and in boxes, and that's pretty inconvenient!
I know there are some philes in here when it comes to storage. I just moved into a new place and am taking the opportunity to get some new CD storage units.

I have been looking at these:

They seem good for the price and based on the few reviews and description seems like a nice sturdy unit.

Can anyone else recommend storage / places to buy? I don't want crazy expensive, I want value for the money and a sturdy, nice looking unit.


Someone gave me that exact same unit 2 years ago, but it has not come out of the box. I store my cd's dvd's and mp3's in this:
You can get these for about 240 bucks (near the price of the shelving unit), you can get the cd-only 400 disc player for less than 200.

Picking up the remote and pressing play seems quite efficient compared to finding the disk, putting it in the player, and having to keep track of cd cases... yeah yeah I know if I have more than 800 disks what do I do?

Put a limit of 800, then burn mp3's off the leftovers and trade them in. Tough to maintain a library that big, when you can only listen to music 7 hours a day.
I've got all my cds in books, cases packed away in totes, and every cd in itunes, so all I ever need to take with me is my ipod, just because I think huge cd shelving units are eyesores, because I like everything to look simple and clean, and they just bulk everything up and make everything look tacky, at least in my opinion.
I've got all my cds in books, cases packed away in totes, and every cd in itunes, so all I ever need to take with me is my ipod, just because I think huge cd shelving units are eyesores, because I like everything to look simple and clean, and they just bulk everything up and make everything look tacky, at least in my opinion.

So when theives break into your house, all they have to do to steal hundreds of cd's is grab a few binders and run. I've known many people that have had several hundred cd's stolen for this reason alone.

It's takes a lot more time and effort to steal 500+ cd's when they're stored on a shelf rather than grabbing two 250 count binders. :heh:
I've got all my cds in books, cases packed away in totes, and every cd in itunes, so all I ever need to take with me is my ipod, just because I think huge cd shelving units are eyesores, because I like everything to look simple and clean, and they just bulk everything up and make everything look tacky, at least in my opinion.

I have mine stored this way simply by virtue of the fact that I don't the space to keep them any other way for the time being.
Finally got done building our new CD Cabinet. My CDs finally arrived here in Raleigh, NC a week ago (after 28 days on the way from Denmark by ship) and I needed a cabinet able to hold 'em all. Combined with Tess' CDs we had way over 6.000 CDs. I had to throw out around 1.500 of them though (demos and various premaster/mixing duplicates that I just didn't need anymore). And on top of that I also have a huge box of approximately 4-500 CDs of which we had several copies to give to my mom-in-law and sister-in-law.

Anyway, the cabinet I built currently holds 3800 discs + 1000 cardboard promo CDs, AND there's still room for a bit more, yay!

It's built out of red oak, with the shelves being steel rods. Stupidly however (as I am NOT a carpenter in any way) I went for 1/4 inch rods, which just won't hold the weight. Instead of putting in new rods, my mom-in-law came up with the genius plan of adding some more red oak boards between each shelf and that way support the total weight of the CDs without bending the shelves. There's still a tiny deflection in there, but nothing major, and I'm actually very satisfied with the result.


Someone go dumpster diving in Raleigh - we'll press some Cds!

I received/built my 2 cabinets, ended up ordering a third. I am kinda close to filling the two with my CDs, promos, etc. - third will be for my cassettes (old school boyee) and DVDs. Pics to come after third is built and filled.

The cabs actually went up about $60 from my last purchase, but I found some still at $220 at another place (luckily!).