CD walkman screeching


Mar 9, 2010
Albany, NY
I had a CD walkman that worked perfectly for almost 10 years but finally broke. I bought a new one at Target for 14 bucks and it made this horrible screeching noise and skipped frequently so I threw it away. I then thought maybe I should put some money into buying a nicer one. I went to Radio Shack and spent 60 on one that had the same problems. I took it back for another one and it did the same thing. I have tried switching batteries and different headphones and nothing worked. Does this happen to anyone else? I know CD players are obsolete and ipods are fashionable but I just don't think listening to Divine Wings of Tragedy in MP3 format is as fun as listening to it on CD.
Does it do it with different CDs (Is the one you're using out of shape...)? Are the CDs pressed CDs or CDR's (which are thicker...)?

The cheap mp3 player is the better option. No skipping, and you can just rip your music at a high enough bit rate such that the quality is as good as any set of portable headphones could possibly cope with.
Yeah, I'm guessing it's probably the CD is the messed up thing in this situation, and there is nothing wrong with having a CD player or mp3 player because they are good backups for eachother. (I get CDs, and rip them to my iPod, still cheaper than iTunes :D)
I just don't think listening to Divine Wings of Tragedy in MP3 format is as fun as listening to it on CD.

If by "fun" you mean quality, then not really. Rip the music to mp3 at 320 kbps and you won't notice a difference. ;)

As for the mp3 player/ipod, these imo are the most important features you need to look for (in order of importance):

- High quality earphones
- Enough storage capacity for your needs
- Rechargeable (not reliant on external batteries)

Personally I prefer to use my phone (as its battery life is better than any mp3 player I've used) along with a pair of high-quality earphones and a high capacity memory card. Never looked back.
I had a CD walkman that worked perfectly for almost 10 years but finally broke. I bought a new one at Target for 14 bucks and it made this horrible screeching noise and skipped frequently so I threw it away. I then thought maybe I should put some money into buying a nicer one. I went to Radio Shack and spent 60 on one that had the same problems. I took it back for another one and it did the same thing. I have tried switching batteries and different headphones and nothing worked. Does this happen to anyone else? I know CD players are obsolete and ipods are fashionable but I just don't think listening to Divine Wings of Tragedy in MP3 format is as fun as listening to it on CD.

Did it only do it with DWoT? Oddly enough, I had a copy of The Odyssey that wouldn't play in certain CD players for some reason. Try ripping it as a WAV file and burning it onto a CD-R, that should clear things up. I can't imagine that it's the player itself. I have three of them that are over 5 years old and they all work perfectly.

I do listen to music on my computer, but I completely understand buying the CD. I love having artwork and a high quality copy in hand!