Cea Serin Live!!!

i am fabio

Jan 26, 2006
Nor. Cal.
I stumbled upon these vids of Cea Serin (Louisiana). Unfortunately not very good quality. But still, you can see that they would be perfect at BARfest. I absolutely love their debut disc "...where memories combine...". And i hope to see them play one day. :kickass:

"Scripted Suffering"

"Meridian's Tear"

I could see myself right down there in the front just headbanging my ass off. :kickass::kickass::kickass:

And for anyone that is unfamiliar....http://www.myspace.com/ceaserin ....go here, and turn that volume knob UP!!! Amazing stuff!
I really liked their first album, I wasn't aware they played live, thanks for the videos.

I wasn't aware either. I was very surprised to find these video links on their myspace page. This is a band that definitely would be an excellent addition to the 2008 fest. They are slowly working on another release. I could see them grabbing a 2-slot and playing a couple new tracks along with alot from "...where memories combine...". :kickass: