Celestion A-Type demonstration

I feel they sound a bit hollow compared to the usual suspects but the cleans are very nice.
From the demos, I've always imagined those should blend nicely with V30's in a cab for a warm in-the-room sound as opposed to the usual super-aggro T-75/V30 mix.

Your demo sounds great! Honestly, it's the only demo of them I've heard not sounding like there's a blanket between the speaker and the mic.
Your demo sounds great! Honestly, it's the only demo of them I've heard not sounding like there's a blanket between the speaker and the mic.
Well, because it lacks high frequencies and I personally think it's not an easy speaker to work with, especially for distortion tones. You don't want to mic it right in the center, because than the whole colour of the speaker really doesn't sound good. Probably one of my least favourite speakers for recording distorted tones. On the other hand, this speaker is great to do a double microphone setup and add some warmth to your lead tones. I should make a video about that too. Especially if you're an EMG pickup user like me, it sometimes misses something on the lead tones, some warmth like passive pickups, so this double speaker micing trick with an A type could really help with those lead tones.