Celestion v30 vs GT65


Nov 13, 2003
Las Vegas
Someone had asked me to post this in regards to the speaker setup I have in my Cabinet. My 71' Marshall 4x12 has a set of v30s in the top and GT65s in the bottom. I use this setup live with 2 separate amps. The cab is wired up to two separate jacks each running a set of 8 ohm speakers in series. The speakers are not used at the same time in the cab.

I use the V30s for my main rhythm tone and leads the GT65s are for cleans. I find the GT65s to bee too scooped in a high gain setting for any usable rhythm tone.

My live rig is Peavey 5150 used for rhythm and lead tones, Peavey Valve king used for cleans and crunch tones.

Guitar > Ibanez Tube Screamer > AB Box 1

AB Box 1
Side A to 5150 > 5150 Loop > NS2 > Chorus (For Signal Split Only)> AB Box 2

AB Box 2
Side A (Leads) > MXR EQ (Used as a boost)> DD7 Digital Delay > Loop In
Side B (Rhythm)> Straight Back To Loop

The 5150 then runs into the V30s in the top of the Marshall Cab

Side B of AB Box 1 runs into a Peavey Valve King Combo in loops runs a Chorus and 2nd DD7 The out from the Valveking runs to the GT65s in the bottom of the Marshall Cab.

Confused? Ya tell me about it. Until I can afford a CAE switching system this is the route I run...lol

The question was why not just run all 4 speakers at the same time and use an amp switcher, well as you can see from the below clips the GT65s just are WAYYY to scooped. They sound great for cleans and bluesy tones, but for High Gain they just don't cut it.

I used Jeffs Rose od Sharyn Di's for the comparison as we all know them well.

DI Setup:
Focus Rite Saffire Pro 40 > Tube Screamer > Amp.

No Re-amp Box was used. No EQ or post processing at all on the signal.

Mic'd with a single SM57

v30s (Dirty)

GT65s (Dirty)

v30 (Clean)

GT65 (Clean)
Thanks for posting those!

Your rig confuses the hell out of me, but I'm sure it sounds great.
Heres a signal flow diagram hope this makes it a bit more clear :)

You were right, the 65s do sound better for cleans, although I don't think they sounded that bad for rhythms.

I'm curious as to why you're running a Valveking through them though. Do you find that that amp compliments the 5105 better than others?
Valvekings are really under rated, they're surprisingly good for cutting through when playing metal live.
Anyone still have these? I'd love to hear a good v30 vs g12-65 comparison especially playing metal. Oh and was this meant to be G12-65's?