Centauras-A - Side Effects Expected

Dec 21, 2003
Sudbury, Canada
Centauras-A – Side Effects Expected
Listenable Recrods – 2009
By Adam McAuley


Centauras-A performs technical, yet streamlined death metal in the vein of Polish acts from the genre. One can certainly hear Vader or Decapitated in these riffs, but Centauras-A is merely similar and not identical to those bands. There’s a nice blend of aggression, intricate musicianship and a trace of melody to be found in the songs here. Right from the opener “The Praying Mantis” one can detect that the band is willing to shift the style and mood of the album frequently. There’s little time for the band to remain in a comfort zone as they constantly push themselves into different directions.

Added to the dynamic of the outfit is an industrial aspect that gives another dimension to the sound found here. There’s also a touch of groove amongst the reasonably complex song structures that gives them some backbone, as seen from the addictive track “Arson”. The main issue with this solid work is that it doesn’t approach surpassing outfits like the aforementioned Polish acts or distinguish itself enough from the pack to truly stand out. The material here is great, but not quite outstanding.

Regardless, the songs have enough crunch and thoughtfulness to maintain impact. The amount the band varies the music also adds to the overall appeal to be found. Taking into account that this is the debut album of Centauras-A and one can only see bright things in the future for the band. The band will have a greater chance to find the x factor that brings them into an untouchable dimension as they continue to gain experience. Side Effects Expected is a very solid album that falls just short of being amazing.

Official Centauras-A Band Website
Official Centauras-A My Space
Official Listenable Records Website