centipide - horror film from GERMANY


spacestation '76film
Apr 11, 2004
anyone see this film, read the reviews - seen the trailers, freaky as hell????

Seen it. Boring. Not very disgusting, apart from the premise.

The worst part of the movie wasn't the acting, nor was it the premise; it was the behavior of the captives and their seeming unwillingness to kill their captor on numerous occasions.
There's a sequel to The Human Centipede in the works and according to the director it's supposed to make the first one tame in comparison. I found myself wanting to make the two girls eat shit as well after hearing the dialogue.
Seen it. Boring. Not very disgusting, apart from the premise.

The worst part of the movie wasn't the acting, nor was it the premise; it was the behavior of the captives and their seeming unwillingness to kill their captor on numerous occasions.

I had been meaning to watch The Human Centipede for a while, and this thread reminded me so I finally downloaded and watched it last night. I thought it was pretty good. No, it wasn't nearly as disgusting as I was expecting based on what I'd heard about it, but it was kind of refreshing watching a horror movie that was seriously fucked up without solely relying on onscreen gore.

I read some reviews where people agreed with you about the victims not trying hard enough to escape or kill the guy or whatever, and when I was watching it there were parts when I felt the same way and was thinking "wtf don't try to drag your unconscious friend with you, just run like HELL," but honestly it's pretty easy to think you know how you'd act in a situation like that when you're sitting on your ass watching a movie. It's a totally different story for characters who have been kidnapped and subjected to such fuckeduppedness, especially after being anesthetized and operated on. There wasn't anything they did that I thought was totally unbelievable and affected the quality of the movie. And I think the Japanese guy was the only one who had a chance to kill the dude, but I saw it as plot point that he didn't want to murder him, as demonstrated in his monologue at the end.

It was kind of simplistic and did rely on some horror cliches, but I read that the director said in an interview that he just wanted to get people used to the idea of the poop parade, and that the second sequence will expand on the concept a lot further. It was way more original than any other recent horror film I've seen, so I'm looking forward to the sequel.
I enjoyed it as well, although I found it a bit long. After the first half of the movie it kinda doesn't go anywhere. I really enjoyed the premise, however. Once he gets more money I'm sure the sequels will have better actors and stories. The two girls were really good actresses but their script was quite stupid.

I was actually talking about the Japanese guy having the chance to kill him, funny you mention that.

*SPOILER* I mean, he's got the scalpel in his hand, already stabbed him in the leg, he can't stand up....CUT HIS FUCKING THROAT!!! And then how does the doctor get the gun away from the cop at the end? Are German police that inept?

I, like you, also liked the fact that there was very little gore, yet it was disturbing nonetheless.
Dead Winter said:
*SPOILER* I mean, he's got the scalpel in his hand, already stabbed him in the leg, he can't stand up....CUT HIS FUCKING THROAT!!! And then how does the doctor get the gun away from the cop at the end? Are German police that inept?

Well when the Japanese guy made his pre-suicide speech he was basically saying "I've done bad things in my life, but I'm still a human being," and I took it as meaning he had already been through so much fucked up stuff that he didn't want to be a murderer on top of everything else. Plus there's the whole idea of seppuku and the Japanese system of honor. And the first cop that got killed was the one who drank the roofie water, so he probably so disoriented that the doctor could easily get the gun from him.
Well when the Japanese guy made his pre-suicide speech he was basically saying "I've done bad things in my life, but I'm still a human being," and I took it as meaning he had already been through so much fucked up stuff that he didn't want to be a murderer on top of everything else. Plus there's the whole idea of seppuku and the Japanese system of honor. And the first cop that got killed was the one who drank the roofie water, so he probably so disoriented that the doctor could easily get the gun from him.

No no, I mean when he stabs him in the leg as he's turning the corner in the pool room, BEFORE they go back upstairs.