CENTURY MEDIA Sues More Than 7,000 People Over Illegal ICED EARTH, LACUNA COIL Downlo

The comments section of that blabbermouth article is kind of surprising. Lot's of people are standing up for century media which i think is correct. I think the average blabbermouth reader is more aware of the problems with downloading. It's the younger guys who have only lived during the downloading years that are carrying the torch and need to understand what illegal downloads are doing to the industry.
Actions having consequences is not a problem. The real problem is the extent of the consequences.

Someone compared illegal downloading to going to a record store and stealing CD's. Even though it's a horrible analogy.

I was not suggesting arse rape and torture as a suitable punishment for illegal downloads ..... Just sick of pathetic little cunts bleating about punishment if they get caught doing something illegal . If downloading pirated content is your bag fine , you get caught deal with it . I have broken a few rules in my life and been punished , no problem as I have never done anything without accepting the outcome may not always be favourable , then taking whatever medicine and moving the fuck on with life .
Download Photoshop to avoid paying THOUSANDS of dollars - fine... I can sort of tolerate that.

Download the latest EP by a band called BloodfuckSlagShaftHitlerBitch to avoid paying $5 ... FUUUUUUCCCKKKK YOOOOUUUUUU!!
It's $120 for spotify premium a year and it's fucking great. Before that I was buying a shit load of music, all downloads.

I really don't get downloading shit for free unless it really is free. There have been so many "listen to it before you buy" opportunities with stuff lately it seems silly.