Cerberus - Dispute the Truth

Death Aflame

voice of dissent
Feb 1, 2004
Cerberus - Dispute the Truth
Creator-Destructor Records - April 3rd, 2007
By Jordan Knoll


Colour me surprised by Californian melo-death maestros Cerberus’ sophomore effort, Dispute the Truth. Initially, when I read the bio of the act and took a quick glance at the generic Photoshop-heavy album art I was all but ready to begin my hyperbolic mud slinging assault of a review. Luckily, appearances don’t count for much in the world of music, a fact that made itself apparent to me once more when I actually listened to the material provided.

Effectively, what Cerberus has done is skillfully tread that oh so fine line between forging a modern melodic death disaster that simply recycles the band's influences ad nauseam whilst still avoiding the even more creatively crippling vortex that is the metalcore trend. No easy accomplishment for a young band attempting to establish themselves in the extreme metal world in America today. For this I applaud them.

Now onto the music itself, what is on display here is slow to mid-paced ranged Gothenburg ‘death’ metal utilizing a simultaneously cogent melodic flare and well-thought out compositions with enough variety to pique the listener’s interest just enough to get them coming back for those all important multiple listens. Tracks like 'The Light Burned Blind', 'Lifetimes To Come' and 'The Legion' exhibit a strong sense of this fruitful combination with rhythmically adept and melodically inclined assaults that provide a more than satisfying listening experience. Fans of Clayman era In Flames will especially find Dispute The Truth engaging and stimulating. Recommended for those few remaining mid-era Gothenburg enthusiasts sorrowfully wading through the non-stop rubbish the genre has been producing in recent years.

Cerberus Official Site
Creator-Destructor Records