

hell's belle
Hello again everyone. It's good to be back after a long time away. Now I shall try to be a better poster. I would like to ask if anyone knows where I can download Some of cerebus's material from the 80's things like "Mouth F**ker" and "too late to pray"?
if anyone does it would be greatly appreciated.

The format is Real Audio and basically sucks. But it you want to play a trick do this:
  1. Go to the page on that link
  2. Right-click Save Target As on each song
  3. After you had saved the *.ram files open each one with a text reader (e.g. Wordpad)
  4. Inside the ram file is the path to the real sound file
  5. Copy and paste on your browser
  6. Save the sound file on your HD and play it at will with Real Audio
  7. The sound still sucks but you don't have to do it online and the sounds files are really small, so d/l time is short.