Ceremonial oath?!


Oct 25, 2007
the netherlands
To those who don't know who Ceremonial oath was, it was an melodic death metal band formed even earlier than Dt, If or Atg, their second album had tomas Lindberg and Anders friden as vocalist, sounded alot like early Dt and Atg.

Thoughts about this band?
The only material I've heard from them is their "Hallowed Be Thy Name" cover, which was brutal as hell.
It's decent music. I rarely ever find myself listening to any of their stuff anymore only when it comes up on my randomized playlist. It probably gets more attention than it should though because of In Flames popularity. I'd much rather listen to IF, DT, Soilwork or the like.

As for finding their stuff, they're a tiny band that's not only split up but was published by a small record company. Yeah, it's definately though to find any of their stuff as I seriously doubt the company is still pressing any new cds since it's been over a decade since the band broke up. I spot a copy or two of their stuff on ebay fairly often. None of the auctions have ended up at a price I would feel comfortable paying for their stuff, so I've held off but the stuff is available.
It's decent music. I rarely ever find myself listening to any of their stuff anymore only when it comes up on my randomized playlist. It probably gets more attention than it should though because of In Flames popularity. I'd much rather listen to IF, DT, Soilwork or the like.

As for finding their stuff, they're a tiny band that's not only split up but was published by a small record company. Yeah, it's definately though to find any of their stuff as I seriously doubt the company is still pressing any new cds since it's been over a decade since the band broke up. I spot a copy or two of their stuff on ebay fairly often. None of the auctions have ended up at a price I would feel comfortable paying for their stuff, so I've held off but the stuff is available.
Yeah, I'm just gonna keep my eyes open. But it's probably not really worth the effort. However, the promise of both Friden and Lindberg on the same EP...
look up ceremonial oath on http://www.metal-archives.com
it states that that is not the same lindbergh.
is it not possible that two swedish musicans may have the same name?
I own the "Carpet" CD and it says 'with special help from Tomas Lindberg' in the credits, the spelling of the name Tomas Lindberg is exactly the same as the one in At The Gates. Additionally it says 'Tomas Lindberg appears courtesy of Peaceville Records', the label ATG were signed to at the time.
The guitarist Thomas Lindberg is NOT the person with the same name of At The Gates fame.
directly quoted from the page
And he's not playing guitar on the album, he's singing on the last 3 songs (including the Maiden cover), there was never a guitarplayer named Thomas Lindberg in Ceremonial Oath, so Metal-archives has their facts mixed up.

And definitely, the bands that spawned from CO are better.