I turned down a 6 figure job because it meant I had to travel to U.S of Gay an deal with American fucks.
have you seen the clip where the Aussie T.V.presenter went to America and walked the streets of the top cities with a world map that had all the country names removed asking random people to point to America? Not on out of about 500+ people, including some who had been educated at your so called top uni's, got it right

If that isn't fucking dumb I don;t know what is,... you don't even know where you're own country is on a world map
Oh now, an American threatened me

what? you gonna show how tough you are and invade and fuck over another poorer country
the way your country runs is the same way a school bully rules the yard, and as soon as anyone threatens you, you just stick all the rules up your arse and fuck them over.