Charlie is disapointed with the Texas crowds


New Metal Member
May 13, 2003
ANTHRAX Drummer Says He's Witnessing A Decline In Metal's Popularity In The U.S. - May 26, 2003
ANTHRAX drummer Charlie Benante believes that the lack of crowd responsiveness to the band's new songs at the group's recent shows in Texas suggests that heavy metal's popularity in the U.S. may be on a decline.
"We've felt that the audiences in Texas really didn't know the new material that well, that tells us that they don't have the new [ANTHRAX] album," Benante wrote in a recent online posting.
"What's going on here?? San Antonio, Dallas and Houston have always been KILLER places for metal? We're witnessing a decline and demand an answer! Has everyone gone country or Hip hop?? Tap your friend or family member on the head and snap him or her out of it! They're being programmed!
"This is not the way it is in Europe, they love and appreciate music, especially hard rock/metal. I know it's hard out here, ticket sales and record sales are way down, that's why we're keeping our ticket prices down. I'm hoping this will all pass and we will all rise above the sh¡t that's being forced down all our throats. I would love it if you guys would try and turn someone into a fan of ANTHRAX or any other form of ROCK music. I think this will be our way of TAKING THE MUSIC BACK, my ears can't take much more of this... CAN YOURS
Well if they would make heavier music they might get a response from the crowd, funny to see them blame it all on hip hop and country, lets see another Among the Living and you will see some happy metalheads !!!
AcidBath said:
Well if they would make heavier music they might get a response from the crowd, funny to see them blame it all on hip hop and country, lets see another Among the Living and you will see some happy metalheads !!!
You're correct! Anthrax should make another album exactly like "Among The Living" and continue to live in the past, just like you!
WCFYA is AWESOME and I'm a diehard Joey/Danny era fan! Granted, speed isn't a factor like it once was 10 odd years ago but musically, the songs still kick ass and make me wanna headbang!
Can I get a job working for you??
I know your spies are reading this right now!!
Are you hiring?
I honestly don't know if Houston would've given them the type of audience they are looking for. It is true that a lot of the diehards want another round of the early stuff. I think fans feel they have deserted most of their roots. Metal will never be the same like it once was because of all the new elements in today's music. Sometimes bands can get away with experimenting and adding what is trendy, but most fail to do a good job at it. Most fans get too spoiled with the old sound that it is hard to accept what a band does now. It's unfortunate Texas couldn't give them the enthusiasm he wanted from the fans, but I hope it will not deter them from playing Texas again.
Hell look at Metallica's new CD St.Anger, this will be a very HEAVY CD, It took Metallica 10 years to realize that true fans want to hear them play heavy music, they tried to blame napster for low CD sales, then they realized it was their decline in music.

I was excited about Anthrax's new CD until I heard some samples from it, I want to hear some heavy shit from them again !!!
Black Dahlia and What Doesn't Die are as heavy as anything they've ever done. Charlie's not knocking Texas crowds, just the lack of them (poor attendance). But they're playing a holiday weekend in BFE so what do you expect? Chill everyone.
Have you heard the 2 songs Brent mentioned (Black Dahlia and What Doesn't Die)? Or Nobody Know's Anything?
If that's not heavy, then nothing is!
ThraxDude said:
Have you heard the 2 songs Brent mentioned (Black Dahlia and What Doesn't Die)? Or Nobody Know's Anything?
If that's not heavy, then nothing is!

Anthrax suck, bring back Joey and Dan (the majikal connection between him and Scott will never be repeated + heaviness), they should re-record an 80's thrash/speed metal album, Scott's bald - Bush sucks, Anthrax are rap-metal, they're not metal anymore... We've all heard the bigoted, half-assed comments coming from pale-skinned, fat pimply 15yr-olds typing from the safety of their bedroom (or as I call it Masturbation Central) - guess what? Your opinion doesn't count.

When will people learn... you can't live in the past...
Anthrax remain the hardest ever!!!!!
Well I just hit and sampled the first 6 or so songs off the newest CD, I would have to say it is the heaviest CD since Joey left, I might just buy it...

I still listen to Among the Living, Spreading the Diease and Fistfull of Metal, so maybe I am still living in the past, but I know I like these CDs ALOT !!!
I still listen to Among the Living, Spreading the Diease and Fistfull of Metal, so maybe I am still living in the past, but I know I like these CDs ALOT !!!

Hey man, we all listen to these cd's and we love them, it's just that we've also embraced the new Anthrax as well...
I am not going to get into an old vs new anthrax direction. I will say that Charlie is so out of touch with the heavy metal world. I remember bringing up the dimmu borgir/Children of Bodom tour and he said that he wouldn't miss dimmu. That seems to be the only act he knows. There are tons of metal( I am not talking about the nu rock crap infesting the world) that are working their asses off and not complaining about everything.
Okay, they had record label issues. That is over. Now, they have to get on the streets and work even harder to promote. Having your music popular in Europe isn't a challenge, I lived there for 3 years. They will love metal till the end. The US is too media affected. They were out of the loop for how many years in between cds and they expect to jump to the top this quickly again!o_O
I have been a fan since the early stuff. I laugh when people blame John when we know that charlie comes up with much of the material.
This board doesn't come up with good ideas for the most part as we are all homers, seeing no wrong. I have yet to hear Anthrax on any Arizona radio. That hasn't come without effort from me to get them to play it, it should be interesting what type of crowd they will draw the next two nights.
Plus, concerts are all expensive. Kids are being picky and choosy what they can afford.
I also don't think that extensively touring with motorhead or touring with other old bands will do them any good. They will be better off on the fests they are playing overseas with the more diverse acts. They have to think of better tours. I also don't think the idea of touring with the remaining members of Pantera is a good idea as it will draw pantera and anthrax fans and the tons of pantera haters(most metal fans) will stay away.
I am done with my venting. I am a hardcore anthrax fan that will be rocking out to them and my other long time favorite Death angel over the next two nights but Charlie needs to see the light. Safe Home as the single to make a video of??? With headbanger's ball back, they should have done one for What doesn't die. Heck, that is what drew me in when I heard it first online way before the cd was coming out. That is what would get the average fan. Safe home will draw girls in, if we were back in the 80's and you were trying to get the bon jovi fans into Anthrax. Don't get me wrong, it is a nice song but this proclamation that it is one of the finest songs ever written has me confused. Oh well, I am done!!:wave:
I'm not going to try to discount anyone's opinion, I'm just gonna state a fact... it's not 1988. I wish it was... I had a ball as a 10yr old. Seventh Son, Euphoria, etc. I wish the climate was still as conducive to metal. I mean, it is now, but not the way it once was. I'm probably gonna get shit for this, but my personal opinion was that P.O.T was the heaviest, darkest, and best of the Joey era. Yes, even more than ATL. You see, P.O.T. was a quasi-concept record... it spoke of time waiting for no man, and injustice. It was a step FORWARD from Among and Euphoria.

The style of the bands has changed... people progress. When I was ten, i couldn't appreciate the beatles, four years later (and by no means was i any wiser at 14) I could. I never like country until i heard Johnny Cash when I was 16. Shit, just think of the foods you don't like as a kid, but acquire a taste for later. The point is, people grow, progress, morph, whatever. When John says, "I change by staying the same," he means attitude and way of life... not literally that he's gonna write 20 more "Last Train Homes" or "Onlys."

My opinion (keyword) is that this is the best Anthrax record yet. I can't wait for the next. I hope they tour with New Found Power. I didn't know there were so many Pantera haters. Phil haters I see plenty of, but not Dime and Vinnie or Rex.

Safe Home is an incredible song. It can reach a lot of people on a lot of levels. Scott wrote it about his girlfriend, but has always said, it's about any kind of relationship. That was one of the last songs they demoed for the record.... within weeks of my Mom dying, so the lyrics mean something to me in a different way. Before it was written, Superhero was most likely going to be the first single. But with a song like Safe Home, it's definitely got the light and shade elements that can cut across all types of music.

If anyone has read this far, holy shit i rambled.
One more thing. Maybe Charlie was having a bad day or was bummed when he made the post. Everybody loves the fact that he and Scott are accessible through their postings and emails, but what the fuck, they're not allowed to state an opinion, vent frustrations, etc? Just cause they're in a famous band, doesn't mean they can't have an off day or get publically annoyed like the rest of us.

Enough out of me.
Having Motorhead cancel + venue changes in Dallas and Killeen + the wrong date in San Antonio being advertised = not so good shows.
At least they didn't cancel like the promoters wanted. Anthrax came and kicked ass like they did in Chicago. Even with a smaller crowd. That's metal.
I used to live in Killeen but I was too young to remember much. All I did was ride my bike and go to 3rd grade. Fuck those Texas businessmen for fucking it all up. Anthrax should have just played at Dimebag's strip club.