:hotjump: So what can you say the decline of western civillization is really happinig!

No metalfans in Texas...hum there all in hidding.Believe me I know! OR busybeing too trendy, to what? YOu may ask. I don't know being corprate,being repulican, or just being gay!

What can you do? Call radio stations and talk to clue less D.J's and program dir."Anthra...we haven't played them in about 6 or seven years." yours trully:"Can you play the single Safe home" Robot DJ:"uh..yeah lets see if I can find it"...Yeah right!!! :Spin: Oh well I tried they probably think I'm a freak by calling them and asking them to play VoiVod, Anthrax and bloodcum(j/k about the last)! So tehy play heavy shit on the radio here in Texas it's just like trendy cheese heavy!
Yeah there not playing new anthrax on the radio here in Texas...yet! just the new Metallica!-it's like that...very narrow choices of metal to choose from...it use to be really fuckin cool here,every band wanted to play...now they run the other direction...don't worry it'll get better cowboy! I'll I make sure of it! Peace :Spin: :Spin: :Spin: :Spin: :Spin: :Spin: :Spin: :Spin: :Spin: