Charlotte, North Carolina Show!!!!!

Anna Leigh

New Metal Member
May 7, 2004
I live near Charlotte, NC
I'm from Gastonia and was wondering who all from the area will be at the Charlotte show on 5/23/04. I have seen In Flames 4 times and I'm stoked to find out that they are going to play within 30min. on my apt! I had a blast at the COB show in Atlanta! I do prefer older In Flames (some Colony and before); however, Escape is a better album than Reroute!
Anna Leigh said:
I'm from Gastonia and was wondering who all from the area will be at the Charlotte show on 5/23/04. I have seen In Flames 4 times and I'm stoked to find out that they are going to play within 30min. on my apt! I had a blast at the COB show in Atlanta! I do prefer older In Flames (some Colony and before); however, Escape is a better album than Reroute!

My wife and I will be there....never seen In Flames, looking forward to seeing them. I hope they play alot from Colony and Whoracle. Tremont's website, and Creative Loafing are showing only In Flames and As I Lay Dying.....looks as if Killswitch is off the bill for some reason. Still waiting on a reply from Penny at Tremont on the issue. Suits me fine though, as I am there primarily for IF instead of Killswitch.

P.S.....we were at the IE/COB/Evergrey show at the Masquerade too...great show by all bands!

Metal forever! \m/
The Evil Toucan said:
I won't be attending. A couple of my friends will though.
Not that you'll read this but I think I've decided to go. I was listening to Colony of the drive back from your apartment and I think that sealed the deal.


Look for this bastard in the Colony t-shirt.


Helps to have a face to go by. I met some guy from the Opeth forum when they played at the Tremont on Valentine's Day. I took the bastard's picture with Mikael Akerfeldt so since it's very likely that I'll have my digi camera on me if anyone is in dire need of a picture then seek me out. RJBeals is glad he did.
Email I received from Tremont today stated that KsE is not on the bill for this shownow.....they told me they had no idea why they cancelled. Maybe we will get a longer set from In Flames now.
10 said:
Email I received from Tremont today stated that KsE is not on the bill for this shownow.....they told me they had no idea why they cancelled. Maybe we will get a longer set from In Flames now.
They were replaced with Mindspill which is a local band. I've seen plenty of stickers advertising the band around UNC Charlotte. I'm talking to my friend now and I'm trying to get as much information out him as I can.

Traveled Rhoads: What's mindspill like?
Jester0646: hardcore band. A fair amount of screaming
Traveled Rhoads: Were they any good?
Jester0646: yeah I think so
Traveled Rhoads: What'd you like about the band? If they have decent stage presence, the singer has a fair amount of talent, and the guitar tone doesn't absolutely suck then I think I won't mind sitting through their set.
Jester0646: The lead singer was good, very energetic, Good stage presence too. I think you would like them
Jester0646: I should have dragged you to that show me and kitty went too in Rock Hill about a month ago. Mindspill was there
The show was fanfuckingtastic! It was hot as hell in Tremont, and the first two bands I could have done without. In Flames hit the stage and was dead on! They even played Gyroscope, and Anders said it would be the only time on the tour they play it. :)
10 said:
The show was fanfuckingtastic! It was hot as hell in Tremont, and the first two bands I could have done without. In Flames hit the stage and was dead on! They even played Gyroscope, and Anders said it would be the only time on the tour they play it. :)
To say the Tremont was hot is an understatements. My t-shirt was so soaked in my own perspiration that it looked as if I had been standing in a shower with my clothes on. Needless to say, it was an increble show and I saw some guys I knew from Opeth's show at the Tremont on Valentine's Day. Some chick borrowed my marker and I never got it back from Bjorn. It's cool though. I talked to all of the guys minus Daniel and they were all pretty interesting. I spoke the most with Peter. I told the guys about my future trip to Sweden and they all told me to check out Gothenburg. I dunno if I'll make the ferry ride from Stockholm or not but I'll see what happens. Here are a few pics with the guys.





Yeah, if you didn't already know I'm the guy w/o the shirt on. I dunno why my eyes are so "wide open" but hey I can't complain. I have my copy of Clayman and TJR signed by the four guys. Did anyone happen to see Daniel out there?