CHEAP Airfare for many places - SALE TODAY ONLY - just a head's up


Photo Mistress
Saw this on Southwest's site and thought some of you could use it. The promotion IS THROUGH TODAY ONLY ON THEIR WEBSITE. The featured destination is CHICAGO, IL. They have serious rates for airfare as WELL as car rental discounts up the wazooey. And if you live in/near Buffalo/Niagara Falls, NY, Cleveland, OH , Columbus, OH, Detroit, MI, Indianapolis, IN , Louisville, KY, Omaha, NE, Pittsburgh, PA it's only $39 EACH WAY. Fucking crap I wish I lived in those places. Several other places go for $79 each way, etc... SO I suggest looking at the rates if you didn't get your ticket yet, JUST in case. Plus on the car rentals, you can always cancel and existing one and get this one if it's cheaper. Go to and click on FEATURED DESTINATION or the name of the town. Hope this can help someone out there.
