Cheap custom band shirts in US?


Apr 25, 2012
Boston, MA
Been checking around to try and make some shirts for my band and can't seem to find anything lower than 14-15 a shirt. Wtf...not trying to make a bunch of money or anything but I remember them being much cheaper years ago. Just trying to get 15-20 tees (some black some white) with a grayscale image printed on them. Any suggestions?
Not exactly sure about material. Sizes we got from small to xxl I think, but we tend to get more medium - xl because they seem to sell the most.
Listen this is just my opinion but if you aren't trying to make that much money, selling quality shirts for $20 should be fine.

I mean I personally have no problem paying that much for a shirt at a show as long as it doesn't look like total shit or has profanity on it (I mean more power to you if you want to put fuck on a tee shirt, but I'm not buying it.)