Custom Opeth Shirts, take a look ...

Originally posted by Lora @ MFN
Hmmmm, I wonder if Life has asked Opeth for their permission to make these shirts? I'll have to ask Mike about it. If Life hasn't asked, well, then it is bootlegging - openly.:rolleyes:

Well, doesn't look like Life will come back
and carry out his idea though....
Or maybe this really IS Life's site?
How did you find it my dying groom?
[du-dum dum] Where's life?
[du-dum dum] Where's life?
[du-dum dum] Have you seen him, hu?
[du-dum dum] Where's life?
( Where, where, where, where's life? ) Where's life? :loco:
How did you find it my dying groom?'s just an 'educated guess'. He's from Germany (=location) and chose 'life' as his nickname. Some time ago I bought a My Dying Bride-shirt from a German site called 'life-mailorder' and it seemed likely that it's exactly the guy who offered these custom Opeth shirts. I didn't want to confuse anybody :loco:
hey buddies, I don´t now if you believe me but I was having a car crash and I was in hospital for some months now. I had to give up work but now I´m back!!

Destiny was against me but you´ll get your chance.

Enough babblings, I have to restart this idea. I´m currently awaiting my domain registration to be processed. Won´t take too long I hope. It´ll be sweet. Sorry for that fucking annoying delay but I couldn´t do anything against it, I was on "hold", ya know. Better late than never, right?

Oh, I´ve expanded my idea. I´ve had many promising contacts and there won´t be "just" custom t-shirts but also video bootlegs of concerts, have to check copyright issues and when things get clear this will kick ass!

you can use this freemail to be informed of updates:

hope you give it a 2nd try, guys.


uh, I forgot one thing, that email address above does function like a mailing list, just that I have to write one, lol. So if you write to that email I´ll simply put you into my list and give you updates asap.
Well well...look who's back! Glad to see you, Life! ::firm embrace:: ;) I thought you ran into a different type of snag and didn't want to explain why shirts couldn't be done.

Well, car accidents suck ass. What happened to you anyway? I look forward to hearing more about what and when things will be available through this site address you gave.

Thank for thinking of us! :spin:

"Cloak of autumn shroud.
I gaze, dim ricochet of stars.
I reckon it is time for me to leave."
uh well, long story, I´ll try to make it short :)

I was on my way to the netherlands to visit some friends and was driving on a highway i didn´t know be4. There was traffic jam behind a mountain curve that I´ve seen too late. I´ve breaked but crashed into a truck. I´ve fallen into a kind of coma state and when I woke up I´ve found myself in an hospital. Parts of my legs were broken, some rips too and on top of all my head got some injuries. I was staying there for some months but I was lucky and I´m in good health without having any traces left.

I had to re-organize my whole life, search for another job and so on... I wasn´t really thinking about this forum since I had other problems to solve...

Now everything seems to be cool and I´ll start everything over again. I have to go back to the drawing-board but I´m pretty sure this won´t happen again, lol. thx for asking :)
Are these going to be custom on a totally individual basis? For example would this idea be possible (I posted this in OCTOBER!):

the Opeth "O" that someone suggested with a black to red fade background (like Still Life colors)...on the back a seperate design with the text
"Vows in ashes
I pledge myself to no one
Seethed and spiteful
All shudder at the call of my name"
Are these going to be custom on a totally individual basis? For example would this idea be possible (I posted this in OCTOBER!):

the Opeth "O" that someone suggested with a black to red fade background (like Still Life colors)...on the back a seperate design with the text
"Vows in ashes
I pledge myself to no one
Seethed and spiteful
All shudder at the call of my name"

technically possible, of course. But I don´t know how I would have to handle this with labels and further participants. I don´t want to forward every shirt suggestion I get to the proper authorities. Yeah, that´s actually what all this idea is about and I´ll have to find a solution for this.

Hm, basically there will be a wide range of custom shirts to choose from which I will pre-design, including ideas from every single customer. Then, those shirts that get a higher feedback will be printed, this way we are saving money and are sure that all people will be pleased. Maybe there will be also an option for kinda "unique shirts", like a bonus. In this case it´ll take more costs with it, so it´ll be a lil bit more expensive but I will try to narrow the prices in an acceptable zone for everyone :cool:

Overflow me with suggestions, every feedback´s welcome :)
I may have made previous suggestions and this may have been said already, but after finally getting one I know that its one of the more important things. If the shirt doesn't fit good, you don't wear it as much as you'd like. So...

Make some of these designs in baby doll shirt size. :dopey: