I like pie.
FuzzyWuzzy said:Idiot, Mohammed Suicmez owns you... that list was made with very little thought on my behalf, i just listed some guitarists i liked off of the top of my head...
you act like posting on these forums is like a contest, and you're gonna win a billion dollars for flaming everyone... the only thing you're gonna win is a assbeating from me if I ever see you around... My "Four Brain Cells" are nothing compared to your idiot ass thinking you know something about anything...
all in all, i'm gonna stop wasting my time on you, but i will say that we have pretty similar tastes in music and shit, i saw your AOL site, I must also add that you're just a typical skinny ass white boy who hangs out at disneyland and starbucks coffee shops, not to mention you look like you're 12 years old... take a hint, no one likes you or your teenage angst...
oh and NickFBM i agree with you, i say listen to what you like, and talk about shit you have in common, in this case it seems to be Opeth \m/
youre lecturing me on teenage angst? youre the one who took it personally when i asked about a t-shirt for a broad generalization...then proceeded to get extremely personal about me, and making quite a few assumptions i might add. as for being a skinny white boy who likes coffee and theme parks...ill be the first to admit WEIRD of me right? since nobody except social outcasts drink coffee or enjoy roller coasters right? haha, moron. i highly suggest you DO stop wasting your time because all this is amounting to is you looking like a retarded jealous asshole with an axe to grind against white people who dont have weight problems like you do. go eat 6 pizzas and stop trying so hard to insult me by stating the obvious.