Cheap monitors


Bloody vaginal belch
Oct 20, 2007

My brothers birthday is next weekend, and we are currently trying to find some cheap, but pretty decent monitors.

Our limit is about 250$ (Cant go higher then 300$).

Ive been looking around my self, but everything costs so much more, except for M-Audio, which I cant find any facts about(Frequencies, noise-to-db-ratio etc.).

The room he is going to use them in is quite small(~10m2), and has no soundtreatment(And thats out of the question at the moment).

So please, help me on this(And I know its hard under 300$, but it cant be stretched.)!

Even though I guess you understood it, it might be worth mentioning that we are looking for ACTIVE monitors. ;)
Edit2: If it wasnt clear, the price has to be what a pair costs.
I have a question too. I have some extra money right now, and my monitors are the Truth B2030A's. Should I change them to some other model in the same price range (under €400)? I haven't even thought about that until now that I've started to find out many people think they are the suck.
M-Audio BX5a's dawg. No one wants to wear big heavy headphones for hours on end, and pretty much any speakers will work if you learn 'em well enough! (which is why mine are gonna be my computer speakers as well, so I don't want anything too ugly, so bye-bye MSP5's!)
I have a question too. I have some extra money right now, and my monitors are the Truth B2030A's. Should I change them to some other model in the same price range (under €400)? I haven't even thought about that until now that I've started to find out many people think they are the suck.

I've got those too

Have you got speaker stands and something to decouple from the stand?
Totally different (and entirely useful) beasts with those to very cheap upgrades.
and still useful when you do upgrade the monitors.

that said I'm not a huge fan of them but haven't seen anything that would really be a big step up for me except the Mackie HS624s, which are a lot more.
save a bit more money. a poor man can't afford to buy shitty gear.

If I got it right, this isn't an option since the lad's birthday is coming up. If it was the OP buying monitors for himself, I would give the exact same advice.

One option would be to give the $250 as a "gift card" to support his monitor purchase. That way he could save some money on top of it himself and get a better pair.
I've got those too

Have you got speaker stands and something to decouple from the stand?
Totally different (and entirely useful) beasts with those to very cheap upgrades.
and still useful when you do upgrade the monitors.

that said I'm not a huge fan of them but haven't seen anything that would really be a big step up for me except the Mackie HS624s, which are a lot more.

No, but I recently ordered stands for them, and I should be receiving them in the next couple of days. How should one decouple them?
M-audio BX5a or BX8a they are discontinued due to the deluxe series coming out. Powered and decent for the money. look online.
I own a pair of M audio cause a the time i needed them,they were in my budget i took me some time to learn the curve difference between these and a home stereo
They work great for me now im gonn upgrade soon tho but they get the job done