Best Studio Monitors for the price


Revel in this, bitch.
Sep 19, 2007
Hey guys, I need some help. I finally put away enough money so I can get some monitors. My limit is basically in the 250-300 USD range. Does anyone have any suggestions to what I should be checking out or looking for? Any feedback is appreciated! Thanks!
KRK RP5s, great entry level monitor pair, will last you years without messing up. do it:)
Samson Rubicons. I think the R5A's I have have an acceptable amount of lows, but I obviously use headphones when I'm doing something for the bass. The ribbon tweeters are very transparent. R6A's don't cost that much more.

Not seen many people praising them at least around here, but I think I couldn't have made a better choice for the money.

Either way, if you have a chance, go and listen to the monitors at a store or something. When purchasing monitors, no one can tell you what you need better than yourself.
For those interested in the Rubicons, you might want to go for the Rubicon R6A's with some more low end since they don't really cost that much more, but I've found the R5A's seem to have a workable low end too. Never really felt like I should have ended up getting R6A's instead.

I'd love to use these in a properly treated room.
KRK RP5s, great entry level monitor pair, will last you years without messing up. do it:)

I have a pair of these... they are pretty good but it is very hard to tell where you are at with the low end. You really need a sub. I find my mixes are very low end heavy.
I still love my M-Audio BX8a's. not a completely flat response though. I think they are great entry level monitors for $500, but that's just me... not to mention they're all I've ever used. haha.