Cheap, simple interface for reamping with Redeye?


Jan 2, 2012
I need to find a simple and dirt cheap interface with three preamps. I will also be purchasing a Little Labs Redeye for reamping, so I need one preamp for the DI feed, and two more for microphones. I need at least 1-2 line outs in addition to monitor outs to feed back to the Redeye, and one line in for use with SansAmp RBI.

I've already downsized to a PreSonus Firestudio Project, but it doesn't really do the trick for me, and I'm looking for more options in the 200 or less price range. I don't need the extra 5 preamps either, but would like to stick with something rackmount.

What are my options? I was looking around at cheapos like the Fast Track, so something along those lines, but hopefully better, is what I'm trying to find.