Check it out! New song, Caparison Horus w/EMG 85.

Erik Monsonis

Nov 18, 2006
Mexico City
Hi all!! :D

This is my latest song, I just finished mixing it now, so I don't have the fresh ears to rate it correctly ;)

I recorded it using Revalver MkIII demo, and my new Caparison Horus yellow sand I just threw some EMGs into it :rock:. Stock pickups sucked for metal.

Drums are S2.0 (i posted the settings in my "Warning:Epic..." thread).
Bass is HardcoreBass>Wagner MKII> 8x10 Ampeg impulses.
Orchestra by EWQLSO Silver and Gold
Synths by Spectrasonics Atmosphere and ReFx Vanguard.

What do you think about the mix??
Any suggestions??

BTW if someone wants to throw some vocals to it, it would be great!! :D

Best regards.

First, you get brownies for using a Caparison Horus - certainly one of the coolest looking and sounding guitars on the market :rock: The stock Seymour Duncan-looking pickup can sound good (see: Evergrey) but perhaps the Customs get a different one or something. Nevertheless, the EMGs kick ass.

I really like the mix. Btw, you used to use Broomstick Bass, eh? How much better and versatile is HardCore bass (especially the Lakland, as it seems that that would be the only one I'd ever use)? I heard some of the "metal" tracks on the Hardcore bass a mix it sounds nice (like yours), but when soloed and played reasonably fast it sounded terribly dampened. How is it for things like slide-up and down, staccato, ghost notes, etc?
I'm always a fan of more bass in the bass drum, but I realize it's not always necessary. Personal taste. I do think the guitars could be brought up a bit more volume wise. They sound FANTASTIC they just need to be a bit more focused in the mix.
Nice mix, as always dude!

New caparison??, I wanna see some pics really bad! jejeje!

Saludos amigo!
Hi all!!

· The stock horus pickups are made by Gotoh, and are called BH-IIR (bridge) and SH27F (neck). So i swapped them after a trial month. EMG 85 and SA was the choice :D

· I have all my settings posted here.

· Yes, you are right, guitars need only a tad more volume to be ace :D

· I'm gonna do some photos from my Cap with the new pickups later ;)

· I can't remember where did I get the 8x10 impulses, but here's the link: Right Click, Save as...

Thanks for the replies!!
finally someone else out there doing something of the orchestral melodic metal sound.

Sounds great to my ears, snare sounds a little strange, imo not enough highs, just my .02
Thank you very much ;)

I find there is no substantial difference between Hardcore Bass and Broomstick Bass. Both sound terrible soloed but Hardcore has more and better articulations, like legattos, bends, ghost notes...

best wishes.
Qué buena canción! Me gustó mucho!

LLove the synth-work.

Guitar tone is definitely nice too. Very raw and organic, although I feel just a TAD boxy. I'd add just a bit of top-end sparkle to that.... I'm not sure, but perhaps just a tad less mids too.
Thanks for the replies!

EWQLSO Gold doesn't contain the Silver Edition sounds, they are two different packages. For example, the Gold Edition doesn't contain a piano but the Silver one contains a Steinway one. That's why I use both.

best regards ;)