Check out 2 of my mixes from 2014!!!


Jun 20, 2007

So I've done some productions this year that are starting to surface and would love to hear what you guys think. The first one, Imminence - 86 i produced,recorded, mixed and mastered. Was a BITCH to mix. I came into the mixing full of confidence but just hit the wall haha. Think it turned out good in the end but yeah almost broke me haha.

Second one, Jd Miller only mix and master. Man i love mixing rock. You can make everything so big without any compromises. The singer is probably the best i've experienced. No tuning on the lead. Just a beast and one of those who just has it.

I do have a few more productions coming up which im really proud of so i'll give it a shout when there out but please take a listen adn tell me what you think!

Cheers / Christian
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That second song is nice! That chorus reminds me of a NFS song :lol:

Guitars felt a bit thin at first I think, but then at min 2 they catch up with the lead.

Nice work!
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The guitars on the first track sounded a bit thin for sure.

I had no complaints about the second track.
I really like the mixes on both of them dude, and I get what you were going for with the guitars in the first one - with them being so scooped, you can really hear the (excellent-sounding) vocals and drums more clearly, which works with such a strong vocalist; that said, I do think they could've benefited from a touch more mids, but it sounds distinctive this way, which makes it memorable! :headbang:
Thanks man!

About the guitars are being a bit thin in the first clip is probably me going, 2 tubescreamers great idea! :D haha. Or its the riffing, they are definitely more meaty on the other tracks but I was a bit stressed out duo to the deadline. I had some more time finishing the rest of the tracks on the album. The bass DI was huge and had to cut it to infinity (yeah probably cut to much lol) so it doesn't help the guitars the way the bass usually does, well well. Think it sounds alright though and yeah the vocalist is only 20 years old and a really talented dude, and for being metalcore the whole album has some really interesting "unique" sounding songs.
Haven't been on in a while, came across your post and listened.

You mix better than me for starters and are working in the scene. I've left the scene and working with my hands in furniture.

Overall you kept my attention and it was definitely all in my face....however, what hurt was the drums.

They are big and certainly suit the tracks but kick and snare really hurt my ears.

So, the only thing I have to add in regard to what your doing and where your going with your aspiration's (mix wise) is some how try and make those drums sit a tad further back.

Otherwise stellar work.

Faders Up!