Check Out Icarus Witch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Chef Metal
Jun 4, 2002
The Metal Kitchen
These Guys are a FANTASTIC OS sounding band ... they have their feet firmly planted in 80's styled Heavy Metal and remind me ALOT of a Mix of Priest/Maiden though there are other influences that shine through like on the song "Winds of Atlantis" which the main verse riff reminds me of the driving riff in the Motley Crue song "Starry Eyes" These guys are Well worth checking out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :grin: :rock: :grin: :rock: :grin: :rock:
JonnyD said:
These Guys are a FANTASTIC OS sounding band ... they have their feet firmly planted in 80's styled Heavy Metal and remind me ALOT of a Mix of Priest/Maiden though there are other influences that shine through like on the song "Winds of Atlantis" which the main verse riff reminds me of the driving riff in the Motley Crue song "Starry Eyes" These guys are Well worth checking out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :grin: :rock: :grin: :rock: :grin: :rock:

What are they (i.e., Prog/Power/Thrash/etc)?

Have you heard Eldritch? They have some distinct Savatage influences (at least on their album 'El Nino', I haven't heard their other stuff). I happened to pick up their album the other day, and it was actually pretty good. There wasn't much "filler" in the album, other than maybe the obligatory ballad (and even that wasn't really bad). I think the only song that wasn't that great was the title track--and that's just because the keyboard bits were a bit abrasive (and not in a good way, if you ask me) and didn't seem to fit right with the rest of the song. Other than that, the rest of the album was pretty heavy, and very well written. If you haven't heard it, you should check it out. It isn't a bad listen.
Not bad, but nothing to make me rush to get it. Thanks for the link anyway, always good to check new bands. ;)
I bought it today! :) hahaha I think they are Great!!! and their cover of "Roses on White Lace" is Fantastic!!! I can see alot of potential with this band ... this being their First ep and all the futrure looks bright
OK So I got my Official Copy of "Roses on White Lace" this weekend it came in a nice lil Digi-Pak and included a couple of stickers which they actually charge a Dollar each for on their site but even if it is only a 5 song ep it was worth the $6.50 I payed for it I still Highly recomend this band to all! :)
I got my Icarus Witch today (Wed). Ordered it on Monday. That's two days, people. The End has their shit together. My fave place to buy cds.

As for Icarus Witch, I once again :worship: before JD. This band definitely kicks ass. It's growing on me with every listen. Too bad it's only 17 minutes.

These guys need to keep the train a rollin' if they can. The songwriting is much better than I thought on first impression; it's heavy, it's progressive, it's old school. Highly recommended for fans of Tad Morose, Wolf, Overlorde, and Cage.